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Cover Letter Question

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 12:26 pm
by asjwr19
Hi All,

As a teaching couple, when contacting schools about vacancies, should we write one cover letter for the both of us, or send individual cover letters?


Re: Cover Letter Question

Posted: Tue May 20, 2014 2:00 am
by migratingbird
I'd do individual letters, as I'm assuming you don't both have exactly the same skill set or philosophy. Or that you're both applying for exactly the same job! I think it's enough just to say you are part of a teaching couple, and maybe specify the job your partner has applied for.

Re: Cover Letter Question

Posted: Tue May 20, 2014 2:25 am
by gibwise
Of the schools that have declared their preference most I have seen have asked for a single letter covering both of you. I think for many it depends on how detailed you want to be. My wife and I wrote a single letter but with hefty paragraphs each, covering our experience and how we would fit the Job. The advice that we received was that the covering letter is the chance to outline in 5 minutes how you could be the best fit for thew school, therefore keep it brief, to the point and giving the reader the key information they need to decide whether or not to take a closer look. Separate covering letters mean more reading and if you aren't careful the school may not tie you together.

Of course if the school has asked for philosophies of education those should be individual but could still be put into the same document for sending.