Shenyang Pacific International Academy

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Shenyang Pacific International Academy

Post by gladly_teach&learn »

Does anyone here know anything about Shenyang Pacific International Academy?
What is it like to live in Shenyang?

The reviews on the paid portion are mixed but all seem to agree that the salary is quite good.

Any info is appreciated.
Last edited by gladly_teach&learn on Wed Jul 02, 2014 8:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Shenyang Pacific International Academy

Post by durianfan »

Freezing cold in Shenyang. -35 C in the winters and the locals don't really bother to clean the sidewalks so you've got black ice everywhere for 5 months out of the year.

Bring an ice pick.
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Re: Shenyang Pacific International Academy

Post by grdwdgrrrl »

I know nothing bout the school. However, it is probably one of the many many schools opening up for Chinese nationals. Depends a great deal on how profit making they are keen to be. Working with a Chinese management team is a challenge, be well informed. However, in my experience, Chinese students are very respectful and hard working. Of course there will be an ESL challenge and the difference in teaching pedagogy that will need to be addressed.

As for Shenyang, the food I liked and the accent is very pure. It's a great place to learn and be exposed to Mandarin. There's a bit of colonial Russian architecture around the center of the city. 3rd tier city maybe 2nd tier. Yes, cold in winter, but a nice dry cold and they have central heating everywhere because it's north of the Yangtze River.
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Re: Shenyang Pacific International Academy

Post by higgsboson »

The school isn't really in Shenyang - it's in a village called Shenyang Bei, about an hour by bus from Shenyang city. The main afterschool activity among teachers in this village is eating BBQ and drinking and drinking and drinking. If you're a drunk, you'll fit right in here. There isn't a whole lot to do in this village and the food options are limited to Chinese. Honestly, the location of the school is a major drawback to working at SPIA, so put a heavy red mark in the minus column.

The students are by and large very polite and there are no discipline problems. However, they are NOT hardworking, just the opposite. They are like no Chinese students that I have ever taught before. They are is very pleasant, well behaved rich kids who do as little as possible to get by. They are all ESL students and communication is an issue. All in all though, the students are in the plus column.

The pay is excellent and I have always been paid before the 31st of each month. Its a tax free salary and you get one month bonus at the end of each year. Pay goes in the plus column.

Banking is always an issue in China but for whatever reason, its more of an issue at SPIA. You will get paid but repatriating the salary will be hard. As always for China, banking goes in the minus column.

There are no facilities, no books, no anything except an overhead projector. We actually had one of our students find and download online texts. Resources are a big minus.

The job is a dawdle. You'll teach 4 forty minute classes per day and you are expected to run two clubs per week for one hour per club. Its the easiest money that I have ever made and I am honestly concerned its made me lazy but still, a big plus for workload.

All in all, if you are offered a job here, you should accept without reservation and prepare for one Big Easy.
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Re: Shenyang Pacific International Academy

Post by shadowjack »

Last year's superintendent did hiring and then left to start another school. SPIA's enrollment is very small, and it is an 'interesting' school. It gets cold and you will wear your coat in the classroom. Internet connection is so-so, but tech issues are there. Tech Director lives on site (as do other teachers) in school apartments. Definitely ESL and small. Privately owned, but the owner seems interested in provided education. Wet market not that far from the school. Could do worse for your first post - but if you are experienced, stay away.
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Re: Shenyang Pacific International Academy

Post by gladly_teach&learn »

Thank you all for the feedback. I was offered a job but decided to pass. Great salary but it does seem a bit disorganized and the location seems remote.

I do have a question about another school that isn't reviewed in the paid portion.
Has anyone ever heard of Peter Gruber International Academy in the US Virgin Islands?
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Re: Shenyang Pacific International Academy

Post by higgsboson »

Big mistake gladly - the disorganization of the school is actually one of its selling points in my view.
It would have been the easiest money you ever made!
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