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Calling Schools to talk about open positions

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 2:10 pm
by 1kingston
I have always been a big advocate of doing the things that nobody else is doing, the things that are difficult, the things where you are likely to get rejected.

Going along with this, I want to start calling schools in different countries that have job openings in my field. Rather than sending emails and waiting for responses, I feel this would be much more effective. But it's "just" a feeling.

What do you think? Is it too over the top? Have you ever done this before and asked to talk to a principal or someone involved in the hiring process?

Re: Calling Schools to talk about open positions

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 7:14 pm
by Flyingpigs
Agreed there is a fine line between over the top and creative and unique. Perhaps, another strategy would be to do both? Send out your resume/application package and then a few days later, follow up with a phone call? What is there to lose? I think calling once wouldnt hurt--and if you hit it at the right time, might even pay off--but calling MORE than once, might be considered annoying...

Re: Calling Schools to talk about open positions

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 9:41 am
by 1kingston
Yea I can definitely see it becoming annoying.
Well in that case I would want to maximize that one call as much as possible. Should I attempt to speak with a principal? or just the person that organizes the hiring process?
Should I try to coordinate it so that I call at lunch time? or early morning maybe right before school starts?
Throw out any ideas and I'll start doing this and let everyone know how it works out.

Re: Calling Schools to talk about open positions

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 7:58 pm
by Flyingpigs
I would NOT waste the one call on talking to just anybody. I would ask to speak to the Principal--if the principal is not available, I would NOT leave my name/ response to the question " would you like to leave a message?" I would say " No thanks, I will try again in a bit--when did you say he would be available?" and then call back again. If you STILL dont get him/her--wait a few days and try again.
I think calling at the end of the day or early morning is your best bet. Dont over think this....its just a phone call, not a blood sacrifice. :) :)

Re: Calling Schools to talk about open positions

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 10:01 pm
by wntriscoming
I thought about this, too, but I wonder how international schools will look at this. There's a balance between being proactive and annoying/wasting time of schools when the recruiting season is so, so busy for schools. I know our school gets 1,500-2,000 applications each year, in addition to the school actively seeking out candidates on Search.

I had one very nice director this year who personalized his e-mail reply to my inquiry for a position, as my colleague had put us in touch. He let me know that his small school was currently receiving over 100 applications a day and for their 9 open positions the year before, they had more than 1,500 applications. I can't imagine how schools would handle the sheer volume of calls if we all started calling schools on top of sending resumes.

I guess I feel that if you've sent your resume and the school feels you might be a good fit, they will contact you. If you haven't heard back, then you're probably not what the school is looking for.

I'd be interested to hear what admin think about this practice.

Re: Calling Schools to talk about open positions

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 4:53 am
by sid
There's a lot of 'ifs' in my answer.
If you managed to get me on the phone...
If you were the only one calling...
If you answered a few key questions correctly to reassure me that you had the basic qualifications we require...
If we still had a relevant position open...
I would take a second look at your application.
But, it would be a second look. I've already looked, as I look at every application that lands in my folder. And, again with the ifs, if I had felt there was a potential match, I would already have flagged your application and possibly already contacted you. So the chance that your phone call would change anything, is really small.

And one last if...
If lots of people start doing this, my school would almost certainly take steps to shut down the access route. Our receptionists would be instructed not to connect applicants, and advise them to use the e-mail account we have for this purpose. We simply couldn't handle it if this practice became the least bit common. After all, we are trying to run a school, particularly during the school day. We often fit in the recruiting stuff after hours, so that we can focus on kids and learning during the day.

Re: Calling Schools to talk about open positions

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 11:35 am
by 1kingston
Thank you everyone! These are all great responses and for the most part it has deterred me from calling a lot of schools. However, I may give it a try to see what the response is like. Since I have no experience teaching and am just getting my bachelor of education in April, I can see why I have not gotten a response to any of the emails I have sent out.

Re: Calling Schools to talk about open positions

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 12:31 pm
by Flyingpigs
WHOA there cowboy!!!....wish you would have said that you were not a teacher at the OP.
If you are not eligible for the jobs that are posted , in NO WAY should you call schools. You would be wasting your time, their time and your money.