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Masters in Educational Leadership Questions

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 4:06 pm
by Bellarex
I'm planning on beginning my masters in Ed Leadership either this summer or fall, and I'm just beginning some research into different programs. A few questions:

1. I'm going back into the IS circuit, but may return to the states at some point in the distant future. Would a program geared toward international teachers/admin be advisable/not advisable?
2. My teaching certificate is through the state of Virginia. Does it matter if my masters program leads to a certification through a different state if I'm going overseas?
3. I've seen programs that don't lead to certification.. stay away?
4. Suggestions for online programs for Ed Leadership aaaaand GO!

Re: Masters in Educational Leadership Questions

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 2:08 pm
by Bellarex
No one with any experience in getting their Masters in Ed Leadership while abroad?

Re: Masters in Educational Leadership Questions

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 2:59 pm
by overseasvet2
Definitely look for one with certification. It may make the difference some day if you are planning to get get into admin. If you return to the US your state may give you temporary licensure until you get state specific training.

Re: Masters in Educational Leadership Questions

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 8:09 am
by Nomads

If you may come back to the states, you definitely want a program that leads to certification. The state does not matter and does not have to be the same as your teaching certification due to the Inter-state compact. The only caveat would be if you know you are absolutely going to return to a particular state, then try to get a program in that state.

An international school focus is nice but not necessary for international schools.

I personally do not know of fully online ed leadership programs that lead to state certification. For most programs like this they do want you to take a few classes in residence, but these course are over summer break.

I would recommend you check out Plymouth State University, Lehigh University, and College of New Jersey. In have known people who have graduated from these over the years and have been reasonably happy with the programs.

Re: Masters in Educational Leadership Questions

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 11:09 am
by Bellarex
Thank you both very much! Very helpful... You're the second person who has recommended Lehigh to me. I'll take a look at their program.

Re: Masters in Educational Leadership Questions

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 1:45 pm
by Dawson
I'm looking at doing the same thing as you. I plan to start my masters in the fall. I think you definitely need to go through an accredited US program that leads to certification since you see yourself returning to the States at some point. However, unlike a previous poster, I think you need to go through a state that you see yourself wanting to reside in. My reason for that is states are very picky about licensing and each one has their own requirements. I don't believe there is any inter-state compact except for some neighboring states. You can apply for any state once you have your degree, but it would be easier and less of a headache if you already have certification in a state you want to be in. My recommendations for schools are based on my own geographic desires, but I would recommend them both. The University of Northern Iowa has an online cohort and they are a school that is known for it's excellent teacher program. It's online, but you do have to do weekly sessions together so for me the time difference will be a bit of a downer (middle of the night), but it's worth it to me. I've been in contact with them and they were really helpful and interested in making it work for an overseas teacher.As far as I can tell they have a standard tuition rate, whether you are a resident or not, and it's not much more than you'd pay for out-of-state tuition. I believe it's much, much lower than a private school like Lehigh. The other school I'm considering is Iowa State University. They also have an online cohort, but I haven't done as much research with them and haven't contacted them. Personally, I think having certification through a US program will help you in the overseas market because you'll actually have the license. I know some schools don't care about that, but I think it's definitely something not everyone has. Best of luck.