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The Schrole HR system: opinions

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 1:15 am
by Seansmith7
I'm noticing that many HK Schools seem to be using the Schrole website when you apply on their school website. With Schrole, your referees are emailed when you initially apply, asking them to complete an online reference of you. So if you apply to 10 schools that use Schrole then your references are contacted 10 times, even though you may not be seriously considered for the position. Considering my references are available on Search and that I can provide letters of reference, isn't this superfluous and tedious? My referees are busy people and I'd rather not have them contacted unless I'm shortlisted for a position.

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 2:43 am
by Briz
Most references keep what they have written and merely need to cut and paste it in. Took only a moment for them to do it for me. I think the concept will take off. Super easy to apply for jobs. Search should have upgraded to a system like this 2 years ago. IMHO

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 7:14 am
by Helen Back
Although it took me a while to fill out the Schrole application, I quite like the early reference checks. At least I know it's out of the way and I know the responses must have been half decent or I wouldn't have got the interview!!

Now I only have the interview to fret about.

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 7:07 am
by Cheery Littlebottom
Schrole has been developed by an ex-international school admin/agency recruiter. The idea is that it is a better, more streamlined, interactive and up-datable system than the rather staid existing Search and ISS instruments. I gather it is being taken up by a fairly large number of impressive IS's, including BKK and others.
I think once your info is in, it stays in. You do not pay to keep it there, and can update as necessary.
I am guessing that the benefit to schools is that they pay for the software as an end user rather than pay the agencies on a teacher by teacher basis, so that aspect of recruiting costs is a predictable outlay year on year.
I was a fairly early user and had some lively conversations with the developer, who is very open to input.
Lets face it, ISS's portal looks like it was designed by Jason King in 1971 and Search's recent update involved a substantial delay whilst some schools updated their info: To my mind it was a bit of an expensive swizz to have NOTHING for some schools, not even the previous year's information available for a substantial chunk of the recruiting season.
Anyway, I think it's an intriguing development.

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 8:55 am
by moneypenny
I had some email contact with the developer as well. He told me that the idea is to help schools deal with the hundreds of applications they get sent directly in a more streamlined way. It is a bit of a different approach to the systems used by ISS and Search as they don't charge placement fees. I think referees are only contacted once- not each time you apply for a different Schrole school. If you apply for other schools that use Schrole the only thing you have to do is to answer the questions the school asks. I found the system easy to use and my referees thought it was quick and easy. I think it'll take off as well.