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Newly qualified teacher (humanities), do I stand a chance?

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 6:27 am
by norsesam
Hello everyone, I would really love to know whether you think I have a realistic chance of getting a job with a good international school (anywhere with some savings potential, although I'm not keen on China). Male, single with no children. CV:

BA *snip*
MA Linguistics
PGCE History / Humanities
Two years teaching experience (with the Teach First programme). No IB experience.
As well as history, I also have experience teaching geography although I only have an A level in it.

Thanks for reading!

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 9:42 pm
by fine dude
Overseas Family School, Singapore, has a vacancy for Norwegian IB Diploma Language A (part time). Not a great school, but you can get some IB exp and save some $.

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 6:55 am
by skonamaj1
More experience would be better, but more opportunities will be available if you don't mind teaching ESL or English. If you are open there are some positions out there for part time humanities/English. This might be a good way to get your foot in the door.

That being said most places want at least 2 years experience, but be ambitious no one ever got anything by not trying.

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2013 11:19 am
by Mac1030
Try Korea. Some of the schools have good packages. Or you could try Brent in the Philippines...not at the top but a decent school with a friendly laid back atmostphere- some of the nicest students you will ever teach. Brent has both MS/US Humanities positions, no need for IB for the MS and if they are short on candidates they might even train you for IB in the US. The package is not the greatest but you can save a lot as the cost of living is not very high.

Have a look at the schools listed for the UNI (US) and Queen's TORF (Canada)- a lot of these will hire newbie teachers.

Also if you don't mind the Middle East or Africa you have a decent shot...SA too but savings are limited there...
Best of luck!

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 4:15 pm
by mandi100
[quote="Mac1030"]Have a look at the schools listed for the UNI (US) and Queen's TORF (Canada)- a lot of these will hire newbie teachers. [/quote]

I am in a similar position (~3.5 years exp incl. Korea).

Where is the list for UNI & TORF?


Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 11:47 am
by prince15
I can't find the list of schools for TORF, but here's the list for UNI: ... llist.aspx