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Advice Needed!

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 5:18 am
by steve416

I'm new to the forum and was hoping to gain some insight into my job search. I am a qualified elementary teacher from Canada and I'm in my second year at an international school in Eastern Europe (British curriculum accredited etc). I have been steadily taking additional qualifications (spec-ed, reading courses etc) and also hold UK citizenship.

I am looking to change schools next year for a variety of reasons. I am open to moving anywhere and would like to get some IB experience.

I am in the process of registering at Search and am considering whether or not it would be prudent to attend a fair. I have specifically been looking at the first London fair of the new year. Because I am relatively "green" I am unsure if the costs/time of the trip to London would be worthwhile?

I have been reading through the forums and it seems like Elementary positions tend to go later in the recruiting cycle, does this mean I should consider a later fair? Just apply through search (tie online etc) directly to schools?

Any other advice on landing a position in the PYP?

My approach is to be very flexible on location in the hopes of being able to improve me CV so that I am able to be more competitive in the future.

Thanks for your help!


Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 5:30 am
by PsyGuy
The first SA london fair is a super fair, it coincides runes with the CIS fair. Its popular with european schools, and British curriculum schools. It also tends to be selective, and most people are unsuccessful because they dont have a EU passport, which isnt an issue for you.
The issue is going to be that you seem lite on experience and elementary positions are usually saved for solos until a school has wrapped up its high needs positions on the chance of needing them for teaching couples. Your likely to get some interviews but a lot of "were waiting" responses. Fairs arent ALL about jobs, a big part of it is the opportunity to network and get your face in front of real people. They may not be able to offer you a job now, but someone they have interviewed and been impressed with is going to be an easier sell later when they do have an open position.

An agency would make your job search easier since you have a very broad job search. The best route for you in getting PYP experience is to head back to the UK and hit of IB/PYP schools in the UK, outside of the USA there are a lot.

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 10:49 am
by steve416
Thanks for the response this is the kind of information I was looking for. The way I see the fair is that it could be of benefit to meet people/network but is unlikely to result in an immediate hire.

My only previous fair experience was at Queens University and it is I imagine very small in comparison to the London fair.

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 10:49 am
by steve416
Thanks for the response this is the kind of information I was looking for. The way I see the fair is that it could be of benefit to meet people/network but is unlikely to result in an immediate hire.

My only previous fair experience was at Queens University and it is I imagine very small in comparison to the London fair.

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 6:28 am
by cdn
My wife and I went to the first London fair last year, and we were very successful. Granted we are a teaching couple, so that has an added benefit. My wife took a position in the elementary school and I took one in middle.

There were a ton of schools from places outside of Europe. In fact, we had about 9 or so interviews lined up (with many great schools) and only one was a school in Europe.