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How to convince family on your life abroad?

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 9:34 am
by Lastname_Z
What did you guys do to sell your family on your life teaching abroad? Specifically I'm looking at schools in the Middle East (Saudi or Kuwait) since school positions popped up there and they didn't list an experience requirement, and say they accept young people.

My family seems to think that places like Dubai, Saudi Arabia or Kuwait are just another Domino in the Arab Spring, that it can get dangerous very quickly and that foreigners are the first to be targeted in that situation.

In that situation yes, but those countries aren't exactly the same as other Arab Spring countries. So I'm looking for advice. What can I say, do, or show to my family to sell them on the ME?

Either way I'd end up going there regardless of my family's approval, but it would be nice to put their minds at ease at least...

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 11:04 am
by sid
In my experience there isn't much you can say at this point. If your family has some experienced travelers, you might be able to point out that there's a huge gap between CNN and reality on the ground.

But I'd put my money on a different strategy. Go, and bring some family out to visit a couple months after you get settled. Let them see for themselves.

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 2:08 pm
by buffalofan
I would caution not to dwell too much on selling this lifestyle to family and friends back home. This will only increase your stress level. My family can accept it or not, it really makes no difference to me - over time, they have.

Sid's suggestion of bringing family over is a good one, but don't count on anyone flying over to visit you, especially in the ME. Some people don't know, and they don't want to find out either.

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 9:55 pm
by Cheery Littlebottom
I agree with the last post. Just do it (as the saying goes.) You could go on forever, with testimonials from people who live in the ME about how safe it is, but you'd be wasting your breath. People don't worry because of well-founded, well-researched - of the data, they worry about you because they love you. They would worry if you were going to Singapore!
I could give you a dozen well-reasoned arguments why they shouldn't worry but it won't make any difference.
I quite happily worked through the coup in Venezuela, dealt with SARS and riots in SEAsia and had various other minor adventures around the world. We are very friendly with folks who were evacuated from Libya recently, and Kuwait in 1990.
Chances of you getting hurt in political violence are probably the same as, say, getting gunned down in an incident in the Washington Ship Yards.....
Biggest risk of injury virtually ANYWHERE in the accidents. But hardly anyone bothers to worry about that, do they?
Just follow your ambitions! Good luck!

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 6:35 am
by Mathman
Shouldn't they be more worried about their terrorist neighbours that pretend to live regular lives after 4 or more generations in the US.......