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Post by dimnds »

Do any schools pay airfare up front?
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Post by IAMBOG »

Mine pay up front, or, if you want to arrange your own ticket they'll reimburse you when you get there. I think it depends on the school.
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bog..what school do you work for?

Post by dimnds »

Every school, every recruiter has told me I had to purchase my own ticket to get to China.
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Post by IAMBOG »

Lots of schools will ask you to pay up front as they don't want new teachers to do a runner as soon as they get there and be left out of pocket. That said, paying for your own ticket tends to be the want of lower end schools and as you go up the scale you'll find more and more schools that pay up front. If you are just entering the world of international teaching, then it's fairly common for the type of schools that are likely to want hire you to want you to pay and get reimbursed when you get there.
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Post by inman »

Everywhere I've been have always come good on the intial airfare. One school did ask me for the date I wanted to fly and then sent me the ticket, but everywhere else have reimbursed me, usually at the end of the first month.

The times that I have had issues with airfares have been with the yearly flight allowance. I've worked in a couple of places where they've given me an amount that really would only get me the cheapest of the cheap flights with at least 1 long stop. I know quite a few people who have felt hard done by with yearly flight allowances. On the other hand though, 1 place I worked gave the money in March so teachers could get a good price early on before all the prices went up. I'm not sure how common this is, but I was impressed.
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Post by cdn »

I've never had to pay upfront. I've worked in two places (going to third) and all of them have paid for the flight. I'd be very hesitant to pay out of pocket from the get go.
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Post by ukman »

My present school paid and booked my ticket, and also paid for a hotel for the night before and for transport from my UK home to the airport.
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Post by happygolucky »

Mine paid the ticket.

Visa, Shipping, Baggage and Settling in is all reimbursed after
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Post by AnnieT »

RISS in HCMC say they will reinburse but always pay less that the actual cost. They always say that they could have booked cheaper.

Many of the bad schools will pay airfare late so that you cannot pocket the money and do a runner. Make sure that any school that promises to pay tells you when they are going to pay and tell then how much the ticket will cost and get them to OK it before you buy the ticket.
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PLS can anyone tell me any schools open that will do it

Post by dimnds »


urgent that I get to go somewhere to teach now..with upfront ticket

high interest loans ..for the ticket for me ..that route

since i had to take care of my son..after he was killed..AF took care of a still hurt me all the way around..

Not new to international..been in Russia and Korea.

but need to go ASAP

anyone know a school I can contact directly..I m a chemist as well as teach ESL.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Depends on the school. The upper tier/Elite schools either provide airfare upfront or give the teacher the option of reimbursing. As you drop down to the 2nd tier schools you get reimbursed but it happens quickly and the allowance is reasonable. As you hit the 3rd tier schools you usually have long waits for reimbursement, and convoluted policies that result in getting less then your costs. In such schools the travel allowances tend to be insufficient.
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