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Job Fairs in Ontario: Search or TORF?

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 5:50 pm
by Lastname_Z
Hey everyone,

I'm an inexperienced teacher looking for work (See my post about chances of finding a job).

During the last weekend of January, Search Associates is hosting a job fair in Toronto. During that same weekend Queens University in Kingston, Ontario hosts their annual Teaching Overseas Recruitment Fair (TORF).

Is there anyone here who has been to one of them, or both? Which would you recommend going to?



Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 7:59 am
by PsyGuy
The SA Toronto fair is a dump fair, and the worst of the dump fairs since everyone who matters is at the Search London fair, which is one of the mega fairs, as it combines with the CIS London fair.

I really know nothing about Canada except Ive met a couple canadian woman who were attractive (and married) and a lot that werent, but most canadian woman just seem like slightly less snobby versions of american woman.
That and the canadian armed forces takes themselves way too seriously, at least a guy i worked with at one school who was former RCMP came off a little too MI6. Your a teacher not a CSO.
That and if there is EVER a threat against Americans in a city overseas. I carry a couple velcro canadian maple leafs and head for the canadian embassy. They tend to have more relaxed parties at their embassy anyway.

Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 8:30 am
by Max007
TORF is held at Queen's university, and a lot of the teachers are inexperienced there.

Here is a list of all the schools that participated last year. ... hools.html

Make up your own mind from that.