No luck so far, any advice?

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No luck so far, any advice?

Post by jmods »

Hi everyone.

Well here goes, hopefully someone can give me some advice. Im going to finish my PGCEi in May and have been applying for jobs since january. I havent had any success so far, some interviews and even gotten to final stages of interview....but not been successful.

I think my main problem is lack of experience in actual classroom teaching. I have always private tutored and have experience with primary and secondary students. Im doing the International PGCE as I am not based in the UK and as part of the course Ive done my Teaching practice (observations, mentor, teaching file, etc) at an international school. I also have an IT related degree from the UK and can speak 2 languages fluently.

The problem is that I am aware that chances of landing a job now are quite low, seeing as its already nearly march and I really dont know what to do. Should I keep looking and sending cv or forget about it for this year?

My guess is that my lack of experience is bad compared to other candidates....but if no one employs me then Ill never have experience!

Feeling a bit down as I love teaching, the PGCE course and my teaching practice have been great and at the moment not too sure on what to do. I dont have any preferences and have sent cv to many different countries and schools, but no luck...

If anyone has any advice Id appreaciate it!

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Post by durianfan »

My advice is to go back to the UK and teach there for 2 years. Barring that, you can probably still get into an IB school in a less desirable location such as 3rd tier cities in China or any country with -stan in its name. Try countries in the Middle East as well.
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Post by musobabe »

Are you MYP or PYP and what subject? And which region are you interested in? There are still plenty of jobs out there...
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Re: No luck so far, any advice?

Post by pgrass »

Some schools (the ones who do their homework) will not accept the PGCEi as a teaching qualification. Keep applying and eventually you will find a position as it gets later in the game. It may be in a less desirable location and in a school which isn't so great, but it will be infinitely better than being back in the UK.
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Post by jmods »

Thanks for the replies. I have heard that some schools don't accept the PGCEi, but I know a LOT of people who have the PGCEi and work at very good schools internationally.

I chose this option because going back to the UK was not an option for me.

My teaching practice has been in KS3 (MYP) ICT and DT. I am looking for either a position as an ICT specialist or an upper primary teacher (year 4, 5, 6)

Ive never lived in the UK as Ive always lived overseas, was only there for University so going back to the UK is not an option....Will keep on sending cvs and see if I have any luck.

I dont have any preferences on location or school....just want to get experience as its what Im lacking and therefore cant seem to get a job :(

Thanks for the comments.
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Post by mamanaia »

Being qualified to teach IT and DT, especially in the IB program should help you to get a job internationally. Just keep searching. Something will come up. You may need to settle for your first placement, but then you become more marketable. Maybe the school where you did your practicum could help you out.
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Post by Mr.Cake »

Although you are probably looking for something else, the best advice is stay flexible and keep trying.

You are right, the PGCEi will get you in some solid Tier two schools so it's maybe your lack of experience of 'being a teacher' that is counting against you right now.

Last minute jobs come up every year, some in quite good locations, so sign up for TES etc. and keep your eye out. Because you are not currently tied into a teaching contract you'll be able to start up in a post a lot quicker than many other, which will work in your favour.
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Post by PsyGuy »

A PGCEi is not as marketable as a PGCE.

The issue is that you just dont have any experience and you havent completed your credential yet. All that combined makes for a pretty light resume. You need to focus on 3rd tier schools or Bilingual schools so that you can get some classroom experience. Normally I would reccommend going home and teaching there for a couple years but thats not an option for you. I see two options: 1) Start looking at the possibility of an internship. Basically you get a job at an IS but with a local package. 2) Relocate yourself to a major city/region such as Saigon, or Beijing, Seoul, Taipei, etc over the summer as an ELL teacher and keep looking for last minute vacancies to appear, where your in the right place (local) at the right time and be willing to take whatever you can get.
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Post by jmods »

Thanks for the info everyone!
@PsyGuy thanks, useful info! Do you have any information on Vietnam? Saigon? Life, expenses and what a suitable salary would be? in order to survive over there without too much hardship¿?

thanks, my plan is to continue to apply to any vacancies that I think I may be suitable for and see if any last minute jobs appear and I get lucky! if not, Ill try and find something locally and maybe I can get some more experience for next year.

thanks to everyone!
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Post by AnnieT »

I just answered your other thread,

Reading this one I have to ask what passport you ho;d, it does make a difference to some schools
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Post by jmods »

I have 2 passports, a uk one and another one from an EU country (dont want to give out too many details!hehe)
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