Interview with No Information

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Interview with No Information

Post by justlooking »

I have a Skype interview in a few days with a school that I know next to nothing about. It's a new school with no reviews or comments on ISR. I asked on this forum and got zero responses from this learned community.

I know a good bit about the country and the curriculum (IB) but I can't find anything on any forum about the kids, admin, specific location, package, resources, etc. I've read everything on their web page but most of the information is general and broad.

Obviously if the interview goes well, I will ask about all of the above, but I'm also looking for any advice about how to approach the interview without any information of substance.

I'm not a younger, inexperienced teacher. I have a family coming with me. I can't afford to do a couple of years that will be difficult for the kids or a step backward in my career.

Has anyone else been in a similar situation? How did you handle it?
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Post by PsyGuy »

Im sorry we couldnt get you a response, its unusual given the number of contributors that someone doesnt know someone who knows someone to get at least a little information (maybe third or fourth hand our outdated, but at least something). Sometimes a school is so new, or has recently changed its identity that its just not feasible for their to be any information out available.

My advice in these situations (and ive advised on them before) is two fold:

1) Contact a current teacher at the school. I would stay away from just any teacher, or someone supplied by the school, they are likely just to be cheerleaders. If they were to say something negative, it could get back to admin and have very bad consequences for them. Instead since you have some idea what subject and maybe what grade, look at the schools staff/faculty web pages on the school site and you can probably get a good idea of who you are replacing (assuming its not just growth or expansion), they are likely to be more forthcoming on the real situation, since they are have likely already secured their new position, or they are retiring. Email them and then ask if there is a time and number you can contact them thats not on the school premises (paper trails make people nervous).

2) A number of "expat" sites are available for just about every country/region. You may not find direct teacher/school related posts, but may find posts that are relevant about the school or at least the region.
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Post by justlooking »

An update: Had the interview today with no information other than what I could glean from the limited web site.

Luckily the head of school was up front about the weak package and the teaching challenges. Not a good fit for the family, so we declined to move any further into the process.

I think this was our last shot for this recruiting year. We'll come out full force next fall. Thanks for all the info people posted this past season, especially the updates from the job fairs. We'll be in Bangkok or London next year and really benefited from your generosity.
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Post by mamanaia »

Justlooking, there are still good positions that come up in the next few monts. I had a couple of decent 'Tier 2' offers as late as the end of June. Unless you don't want the stress of a last minute placement, you might still get an overseas position. Good luck.
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