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late hiring

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 10:11 am
by Roberto
What are folks experiences with late hiring? Do jobs open up or is it over?

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 10:22 am
by writer
I just had good luck at the Spring Bangkok fair--

does happen

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 10:50 am
by euxpat
Schools get unexpected increases in enrollments and people leave, get sick etc, year round. So yes it does happen and some very good positions occasionally open up.

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 5:56 pm
by Mr.Cake
Yes, in the past week a few schools have readvertised posts from the Dec/Jan period, which may have become open for these very reasons.

No fat lady singing just yet but choices are becoming more and more limited.

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 7:00 pm
by durianfan
I'm wondering this too; not for me (I was hired back in January) but for a colleague of mine. He doesn't know I'm posting this but I do want to help him as I believe he's a very competent teacher and a very nice guy.

He has 2 years of IB experience, teaching Math, Further Math, and Math studies (DP & MYP). He can also teach Business. Before this gig he taught in the US for a few years. He's originally from Hong Kong, so he is not a native English speaker. He also has a wife and a child. He's 48 years old.

He went to the Bangkok fair and had 5-6 interviews but no offers. He would prefer to go to Hong Kong, but mainland China would also be okay as long as it's relatively close to Hong Kong. Southeast Asia would also be fine, I believe, but at this point I think he's a bit more flexible.

He's a member of Search and Tie, both of which he checks regularly, along with TES. Honestly I have no idea why he hasn't been hired yet. Any suggestions that I could pass on would be appreciated.

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 8:38 pm
by DCgirl
Discovery College in Hong Kong has at least 1 Math position open.

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 9:21 pm
by txcasey
I've had just enough luck so far to keep my hopes up...and my stress level high. I came home disappointed from the UNI fair, having come in a close 2nd for 2 great jobs. Shortly after, got contacted by a school through Search and ultimately was offered the position. I turned it down because I wasn't convinced the country was politically stable (I'm single with a small child and so safety is really important).

I've been contacted by a couple other schools and even have an interview scheduled for later this week. But again, serious political hot spots. Ugh. I'm getting enough interest that I know there's hope of landing a job, so I'm still kind of waiting... I realize I won't be getting my dream job in a tier 1 school, but I'd take a tier 3 in a safe, stable location just to get started.

So, to answer your question...there is stuff going on at this point.

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 11:35 pm
by shadowjack
txcasey, one thing you should do is ask on the forums about countries, specifically addressing people who have lived there or who live there. The truth on the ground is often very very different from the "truth" back home. Remember - news exists to sell products - so the worse the news=the higher the viewership = more money earned from advertisers = they sell stuff.

For instance, I have friends in Egypt who are staying on. The disturbances which are taking place are nowhere near where they are and don't impact what they are doing. In fact, as my friends tell me (several friends at different schools), often they find out what is going on because school is cancelled. One friend is currently on a trip down the Nile with a group of grade 7's - would that be happening if there were significant safety worries? Yet from what you read in the newspaper or see on TV and the internet, it is horrible in Egypt right now and people are not safe. Go figure!

Good luck with your job search, but if you want to get overseas, go to the source about what's going on in different countries :-)

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 4:56 am
by teachit
@txcasey I lived in some political hotspots as a single parent and found that the hype was often worse than the reality. Crazy as it sounds I also found that even in some politically charged countries our quality of life was actually really good....Pakistan to name one. We were at a great school and had a fantastic lifestyle, go figure!

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 5:18 am
by vettievette
I work in one of the 'Stans and it is quite honestly the safest place I've ever lived and the people are very friendly. Though the newspaper stories about the leader and his (in)famous daughter can be quite a turn-off and the politics always immensely entertaining. The post-Soviet 'Stans are quite long as you understand what comes with living in a post-Soviet 'Stan.

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 11:14 am
by Cindylouwho
I'm in a political hotspot with 2 children and I feel very safe. We've signed on for another year and, when we leave, it won't be because of the region.

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 12:08 pm
by jbiersteker

Well, it looks like we'll be going to Korea, and despite my mother's insinuation that "we are out of our mind", we have lived there before and realize this is what they do every 1-2 years when they run out of money or food. I have checked both the Canadian and US Embassy sites and they are not reporting anything out of the ordinary, yet if one were to listen to the news reports we are on the verge of a nuclear holocaust (it sure was good that Rodman made it out safely ) :twisted:


Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 4:31 pm
by shadowjack
JB - great news! I know how hard you had worked to put together your packages and get your CVs out there. Congratulations!

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 7:09 pm
by mbovi
Although the peak hiring season is around January - February ( tailing off by February ), there are still plenty of opportunities to be had. I only attended one fair in my entire teaching career but I have always found the best jobs outside the fairs ( " 1st tier schools " ). It's never " too late " for hires.

Some of the reasons :

1. Runners : Those who were hired in January has had some time to think about their decision. As the time gets closer to departure, some get cold feet, no matter how great the school is.

2. Uncontrollable factors : Death, disease, marriage, life changes / plans.

3. Changes in the schools themselves : Perhaps the school has had more enrollment and needs to open up more classes. Some old teachers leave unexpectedly for better offers etc.

Being proactive in looking is key.