Trailing spouse in ME

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Trailing spouse in ME

Post by musobabe »

Just a quick query...I applied to a school in the ME and was told that my (male) trailing spouse could not come with me and would have to get his own job and sponsorship. Does anyone know if this is correct or were they simply not interested?
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Post by BigSky »

I was in Kuwait a few years ago and ran into the same problem. Apparently husbands can sponser wives, but wives cannot sponser husbands. I'm assuming that still applies.
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Post by intlskipper »

I think that is an excuse.

It may be true that wives cannot sponsor husbands, not entirely sure about that one.

I am in Cairo, and my husband is a trailing spouse. My school has done all of the visa work for me, so I can't say I know a lot about the particulars of it. However, I'll share my experience. On the visa application there is a section for spouse sponsorship....I would have thought that the school would make it so that I was sponsoring my husband. But they didn't do that...which could be simply due to their lack of knowledge about it because they are a new school, or maybe it's because a wife can't sponsor a husband. However, they got my husband an extended tourist visa and it just has to be renewed every three months.

But, this is Cairo specific. Not sure where you are talking about in the ME, but either way, I think it sounds like an excuse. I am sure there could be a way around it and if they were really interested, they would help you with the process....
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Post by inman »

In the UAE the main visa holder can sponsor pretty much anyone. Wives can sponsor husbands, husbands sponsor wives, and either can sponsor anyone you like for a visit visa. I understand that Kuwait is a bit odd for this kind of thing, but as I understand it, Qatar isn't much different to the UAE.
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Post by Trojan »

I have heard, on this forum, that what you say is true: some countries, like Saudi, I imagine, only allow the male to sponsor , not the female.

Not fair, yes, but I think it's true.
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Post by sid »

It varies from country to country.
In Qatar, wives have always been able to sponsor husbands, but a new law in 2012 added the wrinkle that they can only so so if the husband does not work. If the husband takes a job, sponsorship must be transferred over, which is not easy nor is approval guaranteed. It's tricky and the new law is not being fully applied yet, but it's one to be aware of for new immigrants.
In some countries, even where it is legally possible, some schools do not want to deal with it, so they'll try to pretend that it is not legally possible. S you just have to find a school that doesn't cut corners.
And in other countries it may be impossible entirely, but I have no firm confirmation on that. I think even in Saudi it may be possible, under certain conditions. But I could well be wrong. Any Saudi experts ready to comment?
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Post by elgrappo »

[quote="Trojan"]I have heard, on this forum, that what you say is true: some countries, like Saudi, I imagine, only allow the male to sponsor , not the female.[/quote]

Depends where you work in Saudi. At the KAUST School, female teachers can sponsor male trailing spouses (who then can pick up jobs as teaching assistants). I think this is one area where TKS differs from, say, Aramco schools...
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Post by heyteach »

Not a problem in Oman.
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Post by vitaminz »

The wife cannot sponsor the husband in Kuwait. The husband will have to get a new tourist visa every 3 months (I think). To do that he'll have to fly out and stay a day or 2 in Dubai, Bahrain, etc then come back in to Kuwait on a new tourist visa. At least that is how it has been explained to me.
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Post by Cindylouwho »

Trailing husband is fine in Jordan.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Its true in come countries in the ME, but its irrelevant, they arent interested.

In the scenario where a wife cant sponsor a husband, the school just hires the husband for some support position and makes it look legitimate on paper. If they wanted you they would make it work.
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