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High school/ece couple looking for advice

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 1:12 am
by Teachermama
Been lurking for a while but I thought I would log on and see if anyone has any advice for me.

Our info:
Me: 7 years experience teaching middle and high school math and science (biology and physics) but not for last 5 years because of kids. B. Sc. Biology and B. Ed . Since babies I have been teaching little ones music and preschool and am working on my montessori age 3-6 year cert. I would like to stay in preschool until our youngest is at least in K.

Hubbie: 7 years teaching. Certified in high school chem, physics, math, and English. Masters in teaching.

Family: three kids, ages 6,4 and 2 (and done!)

Any advice on schools that are family friendly as far as hiring policies?

Our priorities are safety (politically mostly), lack of pollution, and an interesting international experience. We want to cover our costs and save a bit but getting rich isn't a primary goal, and we are pretty good at living simply. We have both lived and worked overseas, but not as a family.


Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 9:03 am
by PsyGuy
My main question is what are you (wifey) adding? Are you applying as a teaching couple? What does hubby teach now as far as his experience (is he a science math teacher, or does he teach english)?

Heres my concerns, until you go to the "I havent taught for 5 years" (and all little ones music and preschool doesnt count) i was thinking science teacher, but you wrote you wanted to stay at primary/EC, though your not certified and dont have any other primary experience. The problem with that is that most schools (except for the elite schools) hire locally for PK/K/EC. So if your not really a viable placement for a school, then its really just a hubby with a trailing spouse and 3 kids, and thats going to be a VERY difficult logistical obstacle to overcome, especially with your goals.

If its both of you then you have options. If it really is just hubby then I hate schilling for them but basically QSI is going to be your best and most apparent option. If hubby teaches math and science it opens up more options, as some schools at the 2nd tier level will bend for the right candidate.

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 11:54 am
by shadowjack
I agree with PsyGuy. If you try for Pre-school you are dead in the water.

However, most international schools that offer Pre-K or KG 1 and 2 will allow parents to go watch the little ones' pageants, assemblies, presentations, etc in which their child is involved. After school, it is not uncommon to have your kids come chill out in your classroom with you. You drive to school every morning with your kids and walk them to class, drop them off, and then, if you choose, walk over and pick them up.

Because you teach MS or HS kids, you can find nice kids who are good with little ones to look after you kids on campus after school if you have duties.

Been there done that - but I taught.

Good luck!

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 6:39 pm
by Teachermama
Thanks, both of you. Hubby primarily is a math/ science guy. I know we are way more marketable if I turn back into math/science mama, I guess I was just hoping to have my cake and eat it too... ie start living overseas as a family but not have to put my 3 year old into full time preschool without me around. Do schools ever do part time for one of a teaching couple?

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 7:24 pm
by Teachermama
Ok, and if I decide that I am stressing too much about the whole preschool thing and I do decide to throw myself out there full time, how big of an issue is it going to be that I have been stay at home mama for five years. Anything I can do this year to update myself? Online courses, etc? I am already going to be teaching a few things at the local school but I can't be a teacher here. No jobs opening and only one school.

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 9:49 pm
by Trojan
Haven't taught in five years? Your license still valid, or do you have a life license or something? That will matter for most schools, particularly when obtaining visas.

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 12:57 am
by shadowjack
At the type of international schools you would want to target, your kids go to school WITH you. On Campus. So "putting them in pre-school" is a bit different than it would be at home.

If you are certified and have experience, just put it out will be the sweetener for your husband, due to his more recent experience.

Don't try to sugar coat it - just say you wanted to focus on giving your own children a great start in the world, but now you are ready to get back into the classroom that you really missed these last five years....


Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 8:51 am
by PsyGuy

As shadowjack hit on and the "bending" I was referring too, when a school really wants a teacher (their in high demand0 and they have a trailing spouse the school will often "create" a position for the trailing spouse, which may be some type of classroom or playground monitor, classroom aid, substitute, or resource tutor/ELL position. Its usually part time. In Denmark we had to stage our primary lunch and teachers dont have to eat with their class (they get to eat free if they do) but we had 2 trailing spouses that did lunch room and playground duty, it came out to about 13 hours a week.

If you went science you would actually be competing against your husband, this would only work if a school had 2 science vacancies. It happens and isnt uncommon, but youd be looking at a large school or a school that had a lot of turnover. You also wouldnt be a very strong science candidate, youve just been out of the classroom for a long time. Most likely id consider you for a MYP/middle school science position and hubby for a DIP position.

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 3:15 pm
by Teachermama
@ Trojan. Yeah, it is a permanent license but if I am out of the classroom for long enough, I will have to renew it with a few courses and an unpaid practicum. I am almost at that limit.

@ shadow jack. Thanks. Good advice. It is always funny to me how we are supposed to love spending time with children but it is a problem for some schools if those children are your own! I do like the idea of being in close proximity to the kids, and it is true, I have missed teaching.

@ psyguy. Thanks. I actually prefer middle schoolers in all their craziness anyway, so that would be ok by me.

Do international schools care about publishing stuff in journals? I'm collaborating right now on an article on a class I did with the local school...

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 11:13 pm
by shadowjack
You can mentioned your publishing, but that's not what will get you guys the jobs.

As mentioned, you will be the one riding on hubby's coattails, as he has more recent experience.

Good luck!


Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 9:47 am
by PsyGuy

ISs and recruiters dont care about publications. Put them on your resume but they arent going help you (they wont hurt you either).

Recruiters and admins like kids, its why they got into education, but a recruiter doesnt work for the kids they work for the ownership, and to ownership kids are an expense/cost that doesnt return anything of value. thats pretty heartless, but even to rather benevolent non-profit boards it means the recruiter writing a bigger check then they may have had too to support and sponsor someone elses family with money that came from parents tuition that could have been spent on something that would have benefitted THEIR children. A recruiter/admin doesnt last very long when they make ownership unhappy.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 6:35 pm
by Teachermama
I get the economics of it pg, I guess I am just reacting to people like my sister in law's principal who was surprised and angry that the young female kid loving elementary school teachers she was hiring kept going off to have babies. I understand that we're the hired help, doesn't mean I have to enjoy it.
