difference between first and second interview

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Mick Travis
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difference between first and second interview

Post by Mick Travis »

I know its a busy time for those of you at the London fair, but please could someone help me. I've got a second interview at a school for HoD position and I've never had a second interview before (gulp). So what kind of questions should I expect?

The first interview covered aspects of classroom teaching and leadership style. How does the second interview proceed?
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Post by sid »

It could be anything, but the good news is that a second interview always means you're in with a chance. Someone likes you and sees the possibility of hiring you.
Best option is that they have already pretty much decided to hire you, and will make an offer more or less straightaway.
Or they could be close to offering but want to tidy up a few last points first. Answer their questions, and the offer might well appear before the end of the meeting.
Or it is truly an interview. You've passed the first stage, and now they want to explore more. Questions might be a little harder, or not. They could have identified some areas where you might have less experience, and they want to explore how you'd approach that. So before going in, think long and hard about any ways in which you are not a perfect fit. You're younger than most teachers in the department? It's your first post of responsibility? You aren't trained in some key program? Networking will be key, but you haven't demonstrated that skill in your CV or first interview? Whatever it might be, be prepared to discuss it and have some plans ready. Also be ready to listen. They might have suggestions about how to tackle these issues, and you should be open to them.
My school occasionally needs three full interviews and a fourth meeting to put forward the offer. Usually though, the offer comes in the second or third interview. Good luck.
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Post by PsyGuy »

The first interview is usually with a principal and wants to know about your classroom experience and skills. The second interview with the HOD is usually to determine how you would "fit" with the school and regional environment. A second interview usually includes discussing a contract , as your their preferred choice. Its usally the second interview that a school brings up any "delicate" issues with the school.
Mick Travis
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Post by Mick Travis »

I much appreciate the feedback everyone. Sid, you make some considered and detailed points. Thank you.
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Post by Mathman »

In my experience the second interview is basically to set up an offer if they are planning to. Probably because they needed to check another candidate first, and it's usually just one other for competition.

I've had a few second interviews, and most became offers within the first few minutes, or they are telling you that they have offered it to the other guy and can only offer you if they reject it (why can't other people do that for me just once.....). One long winded chap talked for about an hour before offering, had to take a day off school that morning since it was the middle of the night.

I also had two interviews at a school that was changing heads, so the outgoing filtered us, and the incoming chose who he wanted.

I would also assume any advanced position will come with a second interview anyway.
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