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Interview questions - PsyGuy

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 11:15 am
by sangster2

On one of your many posts you had listed some good questions to ask schools.
I have tried to find the post but haven't been able to. Do you know which post it is or do you have that list handy? I just wanted to remind myself of what I should be asking.

Anyone else have some must ask questions for the school?


Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 10:48 pm
by emilyhurd
I think this might be what you were inquiring about...

Contract wise you want to discuss the following:

1) Salary: How much, and how is it broken done? If the school includes an optional gratuity is the salary based on the maximum amount. Is salary annualized or just over the contract periods? What are the taxes and deductions? Whens your first pay day, and are advances available?

2) Contact hours: Often overlooked, but how many teaching hours and how many contact hours are required? Whats the daily schedule, and can you leave after your finished? Whats your extra curricular load, and weekend/holiday requirements? When is your first day of reporting (many teachers start well before the first day of school).

3) Insurance: What kind of insurance is there (National or Private)? what do they cover and how much? Where can you (have to) get treatment? Do you or your family have serious pre-existing conditions? Whats the for family, etc?

4) Housing: Do they provide housing or a housing allowance? If an allowance, when is it available? Does the school "Guarantee" for the teacher (this means you wont have to pay deposits and other fees). If an allowance is there temporary housing (a hotel, etc) when you arrive, and for how long? Are utilities included? Does the school provide a leasing agent or service to the teacher?
If its provided housing HOW is it furnished (furnished meaning different things in different regions). If you have a large family is housing available, and how common/expensive is it? How far is the housing from school? Can you keep a pet in provided housing?

5) Airfare: Does the school pay for just employees or dependents as well. Do they provide tickets directly, or are you reimbursed? If reimbursed, how long does it take, and whats the limit?

6) Visa and Documentation: Does the school pay for visas, documents and medical exams?

7) PD: What Professional Development allowances and training does/will the school provide?

8) Allowances: Whether called shipping, moving, relocation or settling in allowances these are basically a pool of money for when you first arrive. Which ones does the school provide, and how much? Do you need to provide receipts and when are you reimbursed?

9) Tuition: You want a tuition waiver for each child attending. Some schools do that some have limits, traditionally its a 1:1 ratio of employees to tuition waivers. Schools can and do bend on this, but anything more then a 1:2 ratio and your going to be frustrated.

10) Spouses: If your bringing a trailing spouse what "opportunities" are available that the school can provide?

11) Clauses: What are the exit clauses, or more commonly referred to as probationary period? How can the school get out of the contract, and how can you get out of it? Whats the contract length (most are 2 years, some are 1 year, and admin positions are commonly 3 years). Whats the dress code? Is the school faith based, and if so whats the "code of conduct"?

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 11:44 pm
by Cyril
Some topics you might like to consider for questions during interviews:

The challenges that someone moving into this position will face.
Opportunities for professional development.
Process for teacher evaluation.
A typical day for a teacher in this position.
The culture of the school.
Opportunities for coaching or other extra-curricular activities.
The skills and experiences you’re looking for in an ideal candidate.
Opportunities for leadership.
Strategic objectives of the school in the next few years.
The current divisional goals.
Next steps in the interview process.
Any additional information I can provide.

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 5:14 am
by Teachermom
Love both lists above; wish I'd had them my first time interviewing!

I would also ask about curriculum: how flexible it is for individual teachers, verses following curriculum maps or common assessments or unit plans already written.

Also, one administrator advised me to ask "What is one mistake you've made as an administrator, and how would you have handled the situation differently?" That question is meant to show you if you'll be working for someone who is self-reflective enough to know they're not perfect, and that they want to be growing.


Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 11:51 pm
by PsyGuy
I wouldn't focus on subjective factors like curriculum flexibility. What's flexible to one person is rigid to another. I like to focus on objective factors, how long, how much, yes/no, etc.

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 3:25 am
by sangster2
@ emilyhurd

Thank you, that was what I was referring to.

Thank you all for your help.