Question about Bangkok, HK

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Question about Bangkok, HK

Post by Marija57 »

Hi, I am new to the forum. I've seen people ask many questions about their chances of getting a job. I want to see what you think about mine.

I have B.Sc. and a B.Ed (with certification) in Middle/Secondary Science/History/Spec. Ed.
About 1 year teaching Science and Math in a private school in Ontario and 6 months teaching Science at the museum.
My most recent experience is teaching ESL in Korea.
I have a husband who has a B.A. in English Lit. and is a CELTA certified ESL teacher with 3 years of experience teaching ESL and over 10 years of administrative experience in a university setting.

We are going to the Bangkok and Hong Kong Search fairs this January. Is there any change we'd get any offers at all? Or at least me? We are only closed to Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and Kuwait. Would prefer not to go to mainland China, too.

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Post by sevarem »

So you technically have one year of teaching experience in an actual K-12 school? And your husband is uncertified?

I would say your *best* chances of getting a job would be IN mainland China or Kuwait, especially China. You could more than likely get something in China. I suppose you could also try QSI, if you're willing to go to Kazakhstan or some such.
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Post by durianfan »

Your ESL experience will not count. Your museum teaching experience will not count. Schools at the Bangkok fair will definitely not want to hire your husband because of his lack of certification. I'd say your best bet is the middle east or somewhere in rural China, but probably only you since you have no IB, AP, or IGCSE experience.

Not to be mean, but I'm wondering how you even got an invitation to the Bangkok fair since you are clearly not competitive. I'd try and go to one of the later fairs - you'll have more luck.
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Post by senator »

Forgot all the advice. Trying to figure out what schools are looking for is a futile exercise. They want want they want and that changes by the hour.

Go to the fair and do your best. Your lack of experience and your husband's lack of certification mean nothing as MANY schools' faculties have teachers doing their FIRST YEAR OF TEACHING carrying along spouses and children who contribute nothing to the school.

It is mainly a game of chance.

And remember, A LOT of school heads are just trying to fill their vacancies and are not remotely worried about getting "the best" - not that that actually exists - or that most heads would even be able to know "the best" if they saw it.

So have a good set of interviews and if you don't get offered anything, just enjoy Bangkok. (The best Job Fair my wife and I ever went to was ISS in Washington D.C. We did not get one interview so we spent the weekend seeing the sights and having some great meals.)

Good luck.
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Post by PsyGuy »


Thats just crazy talk


Shes got multiple certifications in high needs SPED and science, and they presented themselves as a teaching couple, thats how they got an invite to BKK.


Your ESL experience doesnt count, your museum experience doesnt count. None of your husbands ESL experience or university admin experience counts. Your husbands CELTA certification doesnt count.

Your the only ones who is a teacher and the bar standard is 2 years post certification experience, to really enter the IS teaching market. You dont have IB/IGCSE/AP experience.
You are not competitive for BKK, and your going to be very frustrated. You would be lucky to get any interviews, much less any offers.

The HK fair is a small dump fair, basically HK schools, and your not going to be an attractive or competitive candidate for those schools. I have three strategy paths for you:

"The Good" (Standard) Strategy:

Your best chance is going to be in third tier schools in asia and 2nd/3rd tier schools in the ME. If thats not attractive to you, you would honestly do better looking for a joint DOS/AM position and teaching position in the ESL market, but most of those schools are going to keep you in asia.

"The Bad" (Alternative) Strategy:
Consider an internship, in which case you need to get into the BOS or SF fair. This shifts the focus away from the other teachers (which your not competitive) with, and shifts the comparison to other interns (which your very attractive as). Basically your a super intern, other interns wont like this as they cant compete with you as a couple, and many schools that have internship programs, most only have one.

"The Ugly" (Rogue) Strategy:
Go to BKK, you basically slipped by, but go with the focus as an intern instead of a teacher. There wont be any other interns their, and you will basically beat the other intern candidates by a month. Mention that "you understand interns usually receive a local package and your fine with that, because you really want to work with the best schools and the experience they can offer you is whats most important to you". When they see a certified teacher as an intern in science and SPED with a husband that can do ESL support, and they get them cheap, and early, thats going to be attractive to them. You could easily get position at a tier 1 school with that approach.
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Post by Marija57 »

Wow, thanks for honest advice guys!

@PsyGuy: Forgive me for not knowing, but what is a DOS/AM position?

Also, any advice on how to best present myself as an intern?

Thanks again!
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Post by senator »

To Psyguy:

Are you ever wrong?

Or are you so insecure that the thought of not having all the answers in regard to this silly little world of international schools makes you say stupid and arrogant things?
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Post by senator »

To PsyGuy again:

And where do you get off telling anyone they "slipped by" getting into a fair?

To M57:

You got the invitation for a reason. Feel good about that and do the best you can to get interviews. If that falls through do not think it is any credible reflection on your teaching ability.
And enjoy Bangkok either way.
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Post by PsyGuy »

DOS=Director of Studies, AM=Academic Manager. Different names for the same job. They are a senior administrator responsible for the academic day to day operation of a EAL language school or english language department. They are right under the CM/CD (Center Manager/Center Director) or owner. They supervise teachers, design/manage curriculum, meet with perspective students and parents, etc.

My best advice is to present yourself as very enthusiastic, and express a deep willingness to learn, and learn from the best. You need to go back into student mode, and convey that your most interested in what the school and its staff can teach you to become a great teacher, and show your willingness to better your self professionally by contributing the most you can to a school. When looking for interns they are looking for that one person that wants to be their for the experience, and the transactional component of working for money is a secondary priority. Interns care about getting the best experience possible. So your going to be asked questions such as why you came to the BKK fair, why an internship and not a teaching position, etc. Your answer should focus on how their school/the experience/their teachers/their curriculum are the best and you believe great teachers start by learning from the best. Again, enthusiastic student approach.
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