Job Fairs: Are they worth the cost, time and effort?

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Thanks for the input and feedback -SA, ISS & Change-

Post by truthSAYER »

[b]Hello S.J.,

Thanks for the input and feedback -no offense taken or putdown received. :-)

Yes, it is a business I don't suffer from any illusions otherwise and I've made that point from the start in my first post up to the last when I wrote they (ISS) were shifting their business model to meet a changing market. Yes the SA element plays a a role --I'm signed-up with both agencies so I see this but I think it's also about a transforming dynamic in world affairs -not just commerce.

My angle on all this is that the landscape for the process of hiring internationally -and everywhere actually is changing and that as we educators constitute much of the "business" itself we have more self-determinism -or say- in the process due to new ways of doing things than we might realize. My argument with PsyGuy is really more about a clash of values, a distaste for the profiteering mentality and a personal belief that the job fair process is in many ways an outmoded way of facilitating hiring to build learning communities.

This is however, just my opinion based on my own and those close to me experiences. But that's what these forums are about -airing and sharing our experiences, thoughts, and as long as we're not too offensive -our feelings. So thanks for sharing yours!

[quote="shadowjack"]What this tells me is that ISS is losing clients to SEARCH (honestly, most of my friends on the circuit use Search, not ISS - they tend to avoid it like the plague), so in order to attract quality candidates AND turn a profit on that section of their business, they are (a) removing recruiting fair costs, so they are free for all ISS clients; and (b) giving a deal on signup time for cost, so that they have a larger data base of teachers to present to schools.

This is business - it isn't being done because the old paradigm is no longer working - it is being done because they are losing business to a competitor.

If you honestly think that recruiters from schools are going to look through hundreds of electronic portfolios or that that nifty "learning package" you have "created" (did you really, or was it the person in the classroom next to you?), then I have some land in Florida to sell you.

Not trying to put you down, but ISS is a business. Their decision is based on what affects their bottom line. Also, I have known enough admin that they like to get out and glad hand and actually meet in person the teachers they are going to hire.

Just my thoughts on it.[/quote]
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Joined: Sun Oct 07, 2012 7:39 am
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More on change in the recruiting, job hunting process-

Post by truthSAYER »

More on change in the recruiting, job hunting process from Jeff Utecht
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