Kuwait Schools and Savings Potential also living experiences

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Kuwait Schools and Savings Potential also living experiences

Post by PsychBean »

Hello All,

I have been researching some schools in Kuwait and had a few interviews. I would like to get an idea from those who have actually taught in Kuwait and your experiences. I have lived in Kuwait in the past and I did like it just not in a school. I am looking at some schools in Kuwait and just would like some feedback.

I was looking at:
American Academy for Girls in Kuwait
American School Kuwait
Dashman Model School Kuwait
American Creativity School Kuwait
Kuwait Bilingual School

Just to name a few. If anyone has any experiences with these schools or any others to note please share.

Thank you.
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Post by PsyGuy »

You have to go for the money. Though you have lived there and like the place that would be a big advantage.

I can't and wouldn't recommend a single one of those schools. The girls school, is particurley strict and rigid. ASK is probably the top school In the region, I still wouldn't teach there (well if they offered me $250K a year I would, but I'd teach anywhere for that kind of money).
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A little late

Post by 3xlucky »

Sorry PsychBean for the out of date response, but if you are still looking in Kuwait I have been here for 5 years at one of the schools on your list. Let me know some specifics as the hiring season is gearing up for these schools as the Dubai fair is approaching.
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Re: Kuwait Schools and Savings Potential also living experie

Post by vitaminz »

[quote="PsychBean"]Hello All,

II was looking at:
American Academy for Girls in Kuwait
American School Kuwait
Dashman Model School Kuwait
American Creativity School Kuwait
Kuwait Bilingual School

Just to name a few. If anyone has any experiences with these schools or any others to note please share.

Thank you.[/quote]

I have been in Kuwait for 6 years and am familiar with all of these schools having worked at 2 of them. The only one on this list that is worth anything is the American School of Kuwait and it isn't the top school in the country any more. It is more like number 2 or 3. Their campus is falling apart, classrooms are poorly resourced, salaries are low balled and their housing is a 30 minute drive from their campus. Their reputation from the last 20 years of the 20th century has carried them through the first 12 years of the 21st. It will continue to be the school of choice for Americans working in Kuwait thus stay near the top but it is no longer the top. It is one of only 4 schools in this country I'd considering working for. It has very good teachers and few behavior issues with their student body although these have gone up with the increased number of Kuwaiti kids attending this school.

Dasman Model School is a JOKE. It has a horrible reputation in Kuwait. There is no student control at this school. It is poorly resourced. They have huge turnover each year as teachers break contract after 1 year or leave all together after 2 if they can find employment elsewhere. I am surprised there aren't more horror stories about this school on ISR because all you have to do is ask around Kuwait to hear stories about this place. It takes the students that are kicked out of ASK, AIS, BBS, BSK.

American Creativity School is a large 2 campus school. Girls on one campus and boys on the other. The name is for selling the school only because there isn't anything American about it other than some of the teacher passports. They have a lot of very young teachers and some older ones that need to be retired. I would rather be a truck driver than work at this school or Dasman Model School.

The American Academy for Girls is not a strict school. Another joke of education in Kuwait that has gone downhill very fast. The influence of Dr. Charlene and very poorly managed school board saw this school lose 80 teachers a year for 2 years straight. Then they got rid of Dr. Charlene but the damage was done. They lost several very good teachers to other schools in the country and are in the process of rebuilding. It is going to be a long time to turn this school around but the new director seems to be slowly making progress. You will have a heavy work load at this school.

Kuwait Bilingual School is a mid-level bilingual school in Kuwait with little to know reputation other than they will take just about any student in to their program.

If you want to know the best schools in the country then keep reading.

1. Al Bayan Bilingual School
The Al Bayan Bilingual School is the elite school in Kuwait. Forget the Katherine Phillips incident. That is a one off event that could happen anywhere in a country where the locals have nearly unchecked powers and nearly happened at ASK at the end of last school year but they got the teacher out of the country within a day. It also nearly happened at AAG a year ago but they got that teacher out of the country within 2 days.
Al Bayan Bilingual School pays more than all of the schools listed above and it isn't even close. The salaries are higher, the stipends are higher, and the opportunities for making extra money are higher. It is the school that the Kuwaiti families want their kids to go to and caps the number of students they will accept per grade level. The majority of the 300 teachers on the faculty stay beyond their 2 year contracts. It has strong middle school and high school administration and department heads. The athletic program has taken huge leaps forward over the last 5 years. Nearly everything on the campus is less than 5 years old. IT IS A NOT FOR PROFIT thus is resourced well. The only real issues here are that you are teaching almost 100% Kuwaiti students at this school thus it is an international school with a national student population but this is the case everywhere other than ASK or BSK. Nearly every student that graduates from this school attends university with a very high percentage of them going to the USA or UK to do so. You will have 3 prep periods per day at this school but you will need them!

2a. American School of Kuwait - See above comments.

2b. American International School of Kuwait - Low paying IB school with a dated campus but in the process of constructing and updating their buildings. AIS has a wireless campus where all the students have ipads or mac books. Is the only school in Kuwait that routinely gives ASK a run for their money in athletics. Strong academics. Certified teachers. Solid administration. Good teacher housing that is within walking distance to their campus. They have a very high percentage of Kuwait students but also mix in a good many other Arab and western expat students. Heavy work load for teachers. The students at this school tend to be as well behaved as you can expect in Kuwait. I'd work for this school.

4. British School of Kuwait
This is probably the highest paying school on the list but be beware of that. The housing stipend is little to nothing and they will work you to death. The campus is old, classrooms are small, and it is not putting enough of the money earned back in to the school to keep up with the schools listed above here.
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Post by shadowjack »


wow, what a thoughtful post! Well done and a good read for anybody considering Kuwait.

At one point I would have put KES or KNES, but that is many years ago now...

ASK hasn't changed their contract in at least 12 years!

Nice to know about BBS...
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Post by PsychBean »

Thanks for the input. I am here now and will be leaving at the end of my contract. Loved the job, didn't love the "WASTA" and the bullying of kids was insane. Sad to leave since I feel and was told I am making a difference but not at the cost of my sanity! Bye bye Kuwait and off to the next.
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