SABIS Germany

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Joined: Sun Aug 05, 2012 2:44 am

SABIS Teacher

Post by johnnybgoof »

Hi there. I am a teacher at a SABIS school, been with them for a few years, and couldn't be happier with my career with them.
SABIS as far as a I know, have around 80 schools now in 15 countries. Institutions this size are bound to have mixed reviews! :) In fact, take a quick look at anything on the internet today and you will find mixed reviews about it; these reviews of course could have different motivations and various level of integrity. The internet is a highly unregulated medium, and anyone can post a review or a blog topic and say anything they want about anyone!
I am a very hard working teacher, and so are many of my colleagues in the school where I am. When did teaching 30 hours a week become an invitation to "lazy teachers"? I leave work everyday feeling that I have been carrying briks across 7 floors. I have to prepare my lessons every day; always trying to anticipate what questions my students will ask me, because i know them very well. That is one of the many good things about the SABIS system, due to the systematic approach used in the classroom, and the rigorous regular testing you get to identify the strengths and weaknesses in your classes very early on in the year.
In a school where teachers have to meet together with their respective heads of departments to discuss their progress, questions, suggestions, problems etc… on a weekly basis; where you receive regular encouraging feedback and friendly advice; where your salary is paid on time every single time, where your efforts are realized and you salary is increased on a yearly basis or your career is fast tracked and you get chances to do various things and enrich your experience; where a maintenance team is sent to you within minutes of any call regarding any issue in your accommodation (for free)… I can only feel thankful, happy and proud about working for this school and feel valued as a teacher and as a human being.
Yes there is a system in place, and yes you do have a specific role to play within that system, but some people say that about SABIS as if it is a secret. A quick glance at the school network website, or upon first contact with their recruiters, you will realize that this is exactly what they will tell you. SABIS is very clear and sure about what it stands for and the approaches taken.
Of course there are other school with different approaches out there; maybe more financially satisfying too; but my point is that SABIS is not and will not try to trick you into thinking they are a different type of school. If you are willing to work in a structured environment, where you have specific goals and expectations, and are expected to work hard towards achieving them, then this is the right place for you. The romanticized concept of a teacher changing the universe on his own, like Sidney Poitier did in “To Sir with Loveâ€
Posts: 16
Joined: Thu Aug 02, 2012 12:40 pm

Post by VA75 »

Thank you for adding another perspective johnny! I appreciate that feedback!
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