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Overrated International Schools? Opinions Sought

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:44 pm
by Bule
There has been a lot of the recent discussion about "overrated tier 1 schools". As a veteran international school teacher of a few so-called tier 1 schools, I am always amazed by the difference between the "talk" about a particular school and then the "reality" on the ground. So let's get specific- Let's list some schools that don't live up to their mostly positive reputation.

overrated schools?

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:26 pm
by overseasvet2
Overrated according to whom? I find this topic a bit troubling since it's so subjective. We left one of those schools - I considered it overrated because I found the teachers to have a sense of entitlement, were not team players and the social scene was like that of a high school. Having said that, there are people who have been there 10+ years that love it and so for them, it is not overrated. Do you mean overrated as a place to work or overrated as an educational institution?


Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:18 pm
by PsyGuy
Its very subjective, and even what one person might consider an over hyped attribute to a school, another will think something else. This is like the tier system, beyond a very few loose generalities no ones going to agree.

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:35 pm
by Bule
I know it's a subjective question and I'd like to know various opinions. It could be overrated from ANY angle- how about overall experience (living, working, etc.)? Did the school live up to the "hype" in your opinion. Why or why not?

If you find it "troubling" then feel free not to answer. No pressure. ;-)

And Psyguy- no offense but from what I gather from your myriad posts, I don't think you would have a lot to add to this topic. Maybe when I ask about overrated Tier 3 schools, I'll ask for your "guidance", ok buddy? Thanks in advance.

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:00 pm
by lightstays
Subjectivity is the foundation of any review of any school. We're talking about one's personal experience and perspective as informed by their morals, values, codes, etc. This is what happens on this site.

I think this could make for an awesome thread at this time of year. I just don't have enough experience with Tier 1 schools to weigh in properly except to say the TASIS summer program is of, ahem, incredibly dubious quality.


Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 10:28 am
by PsyGuy
I have to disagree. Subjective evaluation has a very limited range to extrapolate too, what is really needed in reviews is objectivity. Our experiences and reviews need to be representative of what a teacher is most likely to experience, even in extreme scenarios. Most of us have too much subjective bias in what we know, understand, and report. Of course being objective is very difficult, as we are not observers, but participants, and were participants with a vested interest in our schools. One, we depend on our schools and potential future schools for our livelihood and second, within our noble profession we extract a certain amount of ego and prestige based on the reputations our schools enjoy. None of those factors predicates objectivity from its practitioners.

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:39 pm
by Bule
[quote]I have to disagree. Subjective evaluation has a very limited range to extrapolate too, what is really needed in reviews is objectivity. Our experiences and reviews need to be representative of what a teacher is most likely to experience, even in extreme scenarios. Most of us have too much subjective bias in what we know, understand, and report. Of course being objective is very difficult, as we are not observers, but participants, and were participants with a vested interest in our schools. One, we depend on our schools and potential future schools for our livelihood and second, within our noble profession we extract a certain amount of ego and prestige based on the reputations our schools enjoy. None of those factors predicates objectivity from its practitioners.[/quote]

Err... ok, whatever.

I'll start off again even though PsyGuy has tried to hijack another thread.

One school that numerous international school teachers hold in high regard from my experience is ISM-Manila. However, when you look at salary and benefits (specifically compared to other IASIS schools) they are underwhelming. Although cost of living in Manila is low, so is cost of living in higher-paying places like Jakarta and others. I know 2 people who work at ISM-Manila and they are looking to step up to a better paying school like JIS or TAS, etc.


Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:56 pm
by PsyGuy
See and thats the problem with a thread like this. For every international school out there (even the elites), somewhere this is someone who who has a negative experience, or problem. Its called marketing, every school looks to maximize their positive image, and minimize their negative image. Seriously, thats what the reviews section is all about. Aside from the sunshine and rainbow reviews for a few schools, its a place teachers come to dump (not that theyre undeserved).

Re: So....

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:38 pm
by wrldtrvlr123
[quote="PsyGuy"]See and thats the problem with a thread like this. For every international school out there (even the elites), somewhere this is someone who who has a negative experience, or problem. Its called marketing, every school looks to maximize their positive image, and minimize their negative image. Seriously, thats what the reviews section is all about. Aside from the sunshine and rainbow reviews for a few schools, its a place teachers come to dump (not that theyre undeserved).[/quote]

Well, this is a forum and that is going to include opinions. I have been surprised by the lukewarm reviews that some "elite" schools have gotten (like ISB and WAB) and I would love to hear from teachers with first hand experience at schools like that, what aspects they consider to be superior and what aspects they feel are lacking.