Remember when you had winter break to think about a new job?

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Remember when you had winter break to think about a new job?

Post by matt »

Now that my school asks teachers to declare their intentions for next year by December 5, I'm wondering what the date is for this at other schools around the world? Did the date keep moving back earlier and earlier every year because of the Bangkok job fair? And given that the Association of American Schools has their job fair on Dec. 1, could we see the declaration date backed up to November? Discuss.
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Historical Perspective

Post by PsyGuy »

It has less to do with the various fairs (Search, ISS, COIS, etc) and more with the development of technology, mainly the internet and how it changed recruitment. Back in the Early 90's before every school had a web presence. It involved advertising in print magazines, newspapers, and journals, using a recruiter or, by word of mouth. Turnover and recruitment at schools was slow. Teachers got happy where they were because they really didnt have a means to compare and research schools globally. They would know the local schools and thats about it. You might be able to mail a resume to a school head at another school in your city (which were fewer in number as well), but how would you know if you were in Rome that there was an opening for a teacher in Japan? One of the goals of recent college graduates backpacking through europe was to keep an ear open for possible job opportunities.

As a result of the internet, teachers have more options and naturally became more mobile. It use to be 2 years was the "probationary" contract a teacher was offered, now its the standard initial contract and even at top schools teachers often leave for new regions and experiences even if the compensation package is good. Easier also means faster. Despite the large number of teacher influx from recession countries, the demand for "top" teachers is still very high, and they go fast. A good teacher at a fair may really only be available for a few hours. Even at the height of hiring season, a teacher one school wants is bound to have competing offers, and can be off the market in a day or two. There is a lot of pressure for hiring principals to "hire the best", this wouldnt be so bad if it werent for the explosion of IS's in the last decade. Basically, the demand for "top" teachers exceeds the supply, thats why when a school really wants you, things happen very fast. A school gets your resumer Monday, they want to interview you on Tuesday, the interview becomes a job negotiation. They email you a contract the same day. When that happens, thats the schools that want you. When you email them, and you get the form reply, then after a couple weeks you get an interview, etc, etc, thats when your not that schools preferred choice.

Anyway back to your question, its varied throughout my career. At the school im in which is a municipal school Our deadline is 21 before the last day of instruction which puts it around the middle of May. In Italy last year it was the first week of December. In China it was January 1, In Japan it was middle of November, and in Thailand it was the end of December.
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