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Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 8:52 am
by southeast asia

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 10:32 pm
by Chinuk
Don't sell yourself short! Although I'm a HS teacher, it sounds to me like you are eminently qualified for the Bangkok fair, which is where I was hired for my current position. I also attended the London fair one year and did not get hired, and found the first Bangkok fair was very lively. I got 3 job offers before I accepted one in Korea.

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 11:16 pm
by heyteach
I would say you are definitely a strong candidate, particularly with all your PYP experience.

the Bangkok fair

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 12:35 am
by overseasvet2
I also think you look like a strong candidate. A lot will depend on your letters of reference and what your referees will say once they are called. (Don't even consider going to a school that doesn't call references!)

Schools tend to hire early in years when there is a dearth of candidates or when they have difficult-to-fill position open like IB Physics. The ugly truth is that elementary positions are often held open until difficult ones are filled just in case the candidate they want has an ES teaching spouse. Singles should not be afraid of the later fairs - there are often many good positions left once the schools sort out pairings, etc.

You have great experience and should do very well.

Good luck!

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 9:05 pm
by durianfan
With your experience, you should be able to find something. Many of the schools at that fair want couples only, but I saw plenty of single people with IB experience garner many interviews. You should be fine as long as your references are good and you don't have a lot of dependents coming with you (this is also something schools don't like at these early fairs, no matter what they claim).

Bangkok fair

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 11:05 pm
by southeast asia
Thanks everyone, I am feeling a bit more confident! Now I wish the list would stop being taken off the Search website. First time I looked, I was interested in 10 schools, then new list and 5 schools and now there is no list again!

I don't know what to do because I am open minded but will not even consider going to the Middle East or China! That is why I think London might be better for me, but I can't afford it...

It is either try to get a job beforehand or go to Bangkok.


Search Associates didn't agree

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 9:53 pm
by southeast asia
I am not being invited to this fair and have been told it is mainly for couples with extensive experience. This is not what they told me when I first asked about this fair. I should have asked to be signed up 6 weeks ago instead of two weeks ago. Even as late as last week, I was told there were spots and requested one, but will not be able to go now anyway. Is it more competitive this year or because I am apparently not a strong candidate? The Search Bangkok fair that was recommended to me was even more insulting. I am sure I have enough experience for London!!!!

Kinda True

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 10:23 am
by PsyGuy
Well its "kinda true", recruiters do know they have the Cambridge fair to fill a spot, if they have to. The BK fair does see a lot of strong couples, and "perfect candidates" or very difficult positions to fill (Physics), and the elite schools (ISB, WAB, France, Italy, Germany) fill up easily and quickly.

Primary is usually a "couples" post, where one partner teaches say Music or Physics, and the other partner needs "something" so they teach primary. There are some couples/families that simply cant consider a position (for economic /financial reasons) without both partners working, so schools like to save a couple primary positions (since they are the easiest to predict, just about everyone can or has a certification in primary) for such teaching couples. They might be legitimately steering you towards a fair that will be more productive for you. You would be frustrated if you went to the BK fair and no one offered you a contract because the recruiters were holding out, wouldnt you?

I think with 5 years experience at PYP, youd be HIGHLY competitive and qualified for a primary school position. I dont want to over dwell on this but it sounds like you might be getting some cultural or racial bias against you.

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 10:05 pm
by hallier
Do you think you were not invited because you applied relatively late?

Like many others, you appear a strong candidate. PYP with experience of the exhibition is something that will stand out to many PYP schools.

Have you considered the ISS Bangkok fair? That might be one option.

I also suggest you send applications directly to schools that interest you. Keep an eye on your websites.

That is how I got employed (and it is happening more and more now, with schools using Skype etc).

Are you still in Indonesia? I know it is a long shot, but you could tell schools that you have contacted that you will be in Bangkok the week of the fair and are happy to visit the hotel to chat with them.

I did that at the CIS London fair a few years back and got a job that way. I was in Europe at the time, so it was not a major financial cost.

Finally, I have worked in Indonesia and in China. China is in a lot of respects more liveable. You might want to consider Guangzhou or Shekou. Both int. schools use Skype to hire before the fairs.

All the best:)