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China or UAE?

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 10:12 pm
by Debs

I am trying to decide between working at an international school in China, with a Canadian curriculum (which is where I'm from) and teaching at a public school in the United Arabs Emerite.

The job in China is at an international school, but mostly attended by Chinese students. It is a Canadian curriculum school, which is where I am from. It would be teaching High School english literature. I'd be able to save 20,000/year. I;d get 3 months paid vacation. I know someone who worked there and enjoyed it.

The job in the UAE would probably be at an Elementary public school, and I would be on the lower end of the pay scale.

I am wondering which one would be better in terms of...

- saving money (how much can I save in the UAE)?
- getting a job in Canada and also at an international school elsewhere - at the elementary school level
- lifestyle

If anyone has any advice at all let me know! Thanks!

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 10:50 pm
by westcoaster
I would take the job in China. I was told that your experience at A BC off-shore school counts towards your payscale in BC with TQS. It won't count toward seniority in a school district but at least you will have some teaching experience under your belt when you do apply to a school district upon your return.

I remember you saying that you are doing your B.Ed in elementary. I think having experience teaching in a grade outside of what you trained for is a bonus. The more that you can offer to a school district the better.

Just my 2 cents worth...

UAE vs China

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2011 12:37 am
by lholz
Having worked in both the Gulf and in China, I would say the job in China may turn out to be the better one. It seems you will be teaching local children in both schools and the local Chinese children will be far less work from a classroom management point of view. I think, in the long run, it may be a better experience even though the weather is better in the Gulf region.