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Dependant wife, four kids. Is there any chance anywhere?

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 10:22 pm
by cbarr38
Hi there

I'm a noob to this site and I've been impressed by the helpful posts I've read so far so I thought I'd take a stab and post my question. Do you think there is even a skerrick of a chance I could land a job in an international school?

[u]My career so far
13 years as a qualified teacher.
11 of those in Australian three government high schools teaching English and History.
6 of those as Head of Department - Social Sciences (History, Geography, Economics, Legal Studies, Languages) in two different schools.
2 years teaching English in Brunei government school.
State panellist for history - means I'm one of six people in the state of QLD who moderates all history assessment - a kind of big deal but hard to make sound sexy
Curriculum writer for Australian government department

[u]My academic qualifications[/u]
PhD candidate at a world class Australian university
Master of Education (TESOL)
Master of Environmental Education (1st class honours)
Bachelor of Education (English & History)
Published articles on TESOL, History, Environmental Education in a handful of internationally refereed academic journals

[u]The catch?[/u]
One lovely wife (currently studying BEd) and four beautiful kids (two school age). I really want to take them with me

What do you think? Let me down gently.

Kind regards!

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 8:52 am
by ichiro

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 9:24 am
by Open Communication
I know a North American with 3 children and a non-teaching wife working at a fairly good international school in Asia. So, the answer is 'yes'. And when your wife is finished her B. Ed then your chances and opportunities will go through the roof. Hang in there and good luck.

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 11:31 am
by JISAlum
Can't hurt to try... Plus, can your wife contribute in terms of filling some kind of non-instructional position? Can you offer to pick up cost of two kids? If you can offer a unique solution to a hiring problem for a Supt, then maybe....

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 9:40 pm
by Gipper
There are a number of small, company-owned schools in remote locales that would be open to hiring you. Many are "oil schools." Many of these schools struggle to keep their enrollment up and favor teachers with multiple children. In fact, many won't hire couples without children for the opposite reason. They will hire with trailing spouse and dependents. Go to the International School Services home page and click on the "Explore Schools" link. Good luck.

Have a Look at this ISR Blog Topic

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 8:05 am
by adminpaul
You might find our Trailing Spouse Blog of use

http://internationalschoolsreviewdiscus ... solutions/

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 1:03 pm
You could try QSI. We worked with several couples who had 4 children.

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 9:33 pm
by cbarr38
Hi there

Thanks for not crushing all my dreams! It seems that there is some hope if I sell myself as a solution to a staffing problem, rather than an economic problem in my own right.

Many thanks!