End of Year/Contract Surprises???

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Posts: 52
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End of Year/Contract Surprises???

Post by Candycane »

Have you had any end-of-contract surprises?

I was just told that I don't get return airfare. Last year, some teachers got it, others didn't. There is very unclear, selective policy happening at this school! Honestly though, I'm not surprised. BLECH!!!

Anybody else getting some last minute surprises???
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Post by redrider »

well, saturday got promised that there'd be a job for me by my principal, who said he cleared it with the superintendent, monday found out the other principal had promised it to someone else. My principal was talking about changing the entire schedule of the high school to accommodate being able to keep me, the other person who was promised the job is reportedly writing lesson plans already. I keep wondering if I'm going to be employed next year. I love those mornings when you wake up and find yourself in the center of a mine field...

Name and shame, candy cane? I'm very sorry to hear it.
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Post by Candycane »

Sorry to hear about your situation!! WOW!!! That's tough! Hope things get cleared up real soon.

Name and shame??? There's a pretty accurate review of the school on here. Anybody interested in the school will stumble across it. :0)
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Post by samuraiwriter »

My school hit me with these surprising details recently:

[i]For foreign teachers who will be departing;

•The salaries of June-July-August months are paid on the regular salary days. (July 31, August 30)

•Apartments should be vacated by July 15th so that they can be prepared for incoming faculty members. [/i]

So basically, I am being evicted from my flat (and country, unless I want to rent an apartment or hotel for a month and a half) on July 15, with the school owing me two salary payments. And what if they chose to default on those payments? What then?

Nice, huh?

I plan to ask for everything upon departure, but I doubt they'll accept that. Dr. Spilchuk has been very sympathetic so far... :)
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Post by puka2 »

So lame! Samurai, check the local laws. Sometimes if you give up your residency card you lose your rights to pursue legal action. I know in Kuwait, you are basically signing off on your school when you turn in your Visa and ID card to be cancelled. Hope it works out and they transfer the $ as promised.
Get it in writing and leave a power of attorney (signed before you cancel your residency) for some one to represent you after you have flown out just in case.
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