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Re: Par for the Course

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 9:40 am
[quote]What i dont get (getting up to my lectern here) is these schools that have bad reviews that are 10 evaluations long and all bad except for the one totally glowing evaluation that you know has to be from an admin at the school. These schools that are ALWAYS, year round advertising for teachers and are constantly hiring.[/quote]

What i don't get is the amount of people who aren't prepared to stump up the $35 to join ISR to see said reviews. Seems a pittance to save yourself two years of agony.

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 9:46 am
by sheaf72
tgrear2008--I will be one of the HS counselors at AISE. I have 2 co-workers now who have worked there in the past--they are a couple that actually met when they worked there. They both really liked it a lot. One actually worked there 2 times. They LOVED Cairo and are hoping to make it back there someday. I also was in touch with a woman who just left the school after 10 years and she said that is was a good school and she loved Cairo. My current principal said it has a good reputation and he just interviewed a couple who said the admin there is very good and have a lot of integrity. I actually went to the school to interview and it is very nice. The only problem is the location and traffic, so the morning and afternoon commutes will likely suck, but I am sure we will get used to it.

I have no desire to have a roomie--too old for that! And I agree that if you are with school folks you tend to talk about school stuff. I think Cairo has a real opportunity to meet a lot of non-school expats and locals. I am for sure looking forward to it!


Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 9:50 am
by PsyGuy

I agree, wed save a lot of traffic on the forum from the "Does anyone know about _______ school?".