Our "Ichiro" was a hit at the AASSA fair!

Posts: 79
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Re: Our "Ichiro" was a hit at the AASSA fair!

Post by b12r »

So outside of an Ichiro (maybe) and Resume what all should be brought to the fairs?
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Post by PsyGuy »


Blank thank you notes. Nothing else really. You need to bring resumes because you are going to want to print them on high quality paper (back to front, no staple, no longer than 2 pages). If you have a portfolio 'book' you can bring that. Even if you dont do an Ichiro card, some basic name cards on business card stock with your name, photo (if you can do them in color), mobile number (at the fair) room phone number, room number and email address, so that that you have something to hand out to recruiters when you dont have resumes on you. The blank thank you notes you complete by hand and drop in the recruiters folder at the end of the interview.

Everything else, cover letter template, transcripts, degrees, certificates, credentials, passport scan, additional reference letters, and your statements of teaching, and philosophy statement. Should be on a USB flash drive (they have computers and printers at the fair). In the event you need them emailing them is the preferred method. You may want to consider bringing a few blank sheets of your resume paper as well.

Aside from documents this is one long interview and dress is business formal (if in doubt error on the side of conservative). When your not in your room or away from the hotel (and even then you never know who you will meet) you need to be 'on' and dressed like its an interview. Get your hair cut styled about a week before you go (men should be clean shaven or have well groomed facial hair). Clip your nails, obsessively brush your teeth after eating, even if its "just a bite" (glooby green stuff in your teeth is not impressive). Take it very very easy on the perfume/cologne/after shave. Bring lotion and deodorant, its gets hot and dry inside (stay hydrated, but not so much you have to use the facilities in the middle of an interview, a few snacks are advisable as well) as you may be in the situation of having multiple back to back interviews. A packet of tissues to dry your hands before handshakes is also advisable if you are prone to perspire. Bring a pad-folio or something to keep all the paper, and handouts you get throughout the day (you can stash items like that in the candidate lounge if your not staying at the event property). Ensure your mobile phone has all the email apps you need for your work email and you have it set to push frequently (you dont want a whole day to go by and miss email invites, etc), however turn the ringer to silent in an interview (you would think it shouldnt have to be said, but an interview is NOT the time to be on your mobile at all). Bring your charger and plug it in at night. My suggestion for the fairer gender is to go with flats or wedges over stilettos. Ladies should also go for purely professional conservative attire (no white blouses and black braziers), unless thats the side angle your working (there are female candidates hired were the determining factor was attractiveness or the suggestion of 'more' was perceived by the recruiter).
Posts: 79
Joined: Fri Jan 10, 2014 1:47 pm

Re: Our "Ichiro" was a hit at the AASSA fair!

Post by b12r »

Thank you PsyGuy! Very informative post
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