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Re: Transitioning from ESL to international schools

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 8:33 am
by marieh
MedellinHeel: You might actually be in the same cohort as me, as I am also finishing this spring. To answer your questions, I have already passed the licensing exams and my endorsements are in Grades 6-12 Math and Physics, the former of which I have a degree and graduate credits in. For my job search, I went only through word of mouth and TIE. I did initially look for schools in Thailand, which is a desirable location for many people, but only found jobs that were for for-profit schools that had little to offer in terms of their academic programs (no-fail policies, and not AP or IB). I then decided to only consider schools that had strong academic programs, even though they could be in less than desirable areas.

In the end, I was approached by several schools (I posted on TIE in early December) from the aforementioned areas, and they were all willing to take a chance on my finishing the TR program in time for the new school year (I did provide proof of my having passed the exams). I attribute most of this success to the fact that I had prior classroom experience, and the fact that I was really willing to work almost anywhere, as long as I felt that the school and I were a good match.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask!

Re: Transitioning from ESL to international schools

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 9:44 am
by MedellinHeel
Wow, you are/were in a great position for landing a job. High level math and science AND passing your exams. I bet you could have got a better location if you waited a bit longer.

I am doing middle grades math, not as desirable but hopefully I will find something. If not it's back to Asia to teach ESL until the next hiring season kicks back up in Nov.

Re: Transitioning from ESL to international schools

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 11:39 am
by lloydkirk

Did the guy with an MA in Tesol find a position as a ESL teacher in an international school? It's something I am considering and I was curious as to the job prospects. I am getting mixed signals. Some people here have written that ESL teachers in Iinternational schools aren't taken seriously, get paid less,etc...Yet, it seems to be in high demand...even for the DODEA. What gives?

Re: Transitioning from ESL to international schools

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 8:38 pm
by shadowjack

Teacher certification is key. So whether you have an MA in TESOL, many schools are automatically off limits to you because you do not have that all-important certification. Sometimes it is not just the school, it is the country which says, "No certification from a western authority (state, province), no employment visa."

I am sure you can find schools which will hire you with an MA in TESOL - but I can pretty much guarantee you that you will work a lot harder than you would at a uni or language school; you will be treated likely worse than you would at a uni or language school, and you STILL won't get to move up the ladder of international schools because in the end, "Sorry, you need a teaching certificate."

Just my 2 cents, from someone who COULD be working at a uni now making 5 grand a month for 8 - 12 hours a week of work, but who has a teaching certificate and prefers to teach MS/HS.

Re: Transitioning from ESL to international schools

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 10:33 pm
by lloydkirk

Thank you for that detailed response. I am trying to gauge whether getting the state license is worth it for ESL. It seems like you're saying ESL teaching in a Uni is an overall better gig unless you prefer working with a younger age group. Am I reading that right?

p.s Where do uni ESL teachers make 5 grand a month for 8-12 hours a week?:-)

Re: Transitioning from ESL to international schools

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 11:05 pm
by Monkey
In my experience, ESL teachers at international schools who have teacher certification are treated like every other foreign hire. Same pay scale and same foreign-hire benefits.

So if you want to work in international schools as an ESL teacher, certification is important. I say this as someone who's been both a classroom elementary teacher and an elementary ESL teacher in international schools, and who is certified for both areas.

It seems to me that when people say that ESL experience doesn't count, they mean when it's done by uncertified people at hagwons (or similar language institutes). It's a different game when you're certified and working in an international school.

Re: Transitioning from ESL to international schools

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 12:57 pm
by lloydkirk
Monkey,thanks for that info. Another question that I'd like throw out there to ESL teachers who have made the jump from institutes/Unis to international schools...Are you happy about the move? Aside from younger students obviously, what are some of the differences? ie...Work load, colleagues,professional development, benefits, etc.?