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Re: Professor Career Changer

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 9:45 am
by brillo

Late to the ., but had a colleague in my first school who was in the same situation as you.

She jumped straight into teaching HS at a British independent school. They very much valued her phd, many staff there also had one. The school didn't require a certificate, but supported people to do one (in that they signed off on things, for some they paid for the qualification on the condition you worked there for x years after), so after a year you get your PGCE, then after another year your QTS.

The school taught both IB and IGCSE, so sliding into teaching in Asia/the middle east was extremely easy.

Pay was *just* enough for a family, but most (all?) had working spouses. Subsidised housing and free food was provided. Without this, there is no way that you could have had a non working spouse if you were at the bottom of the pay scale (you got 1 extra point for a masters, 2 for a phd)

I'd highly recommend going down this route, though it would require a lot of work. I'd start by contacting UK independent boarding (for the housing) schools that teach IB.

Best of luck!

Re: Professor Career Changer

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2020 8:26 pm
by memory1
Thanks everyone! I appreciate all the insights and will try my luck and see what happens.

Stay safe and all the best!