Any updates on DODEA?

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Post by PsyGuy »

Yes, none of those accomplishments matter and training means nothing, PD/CEU hours and credits mean nothing. DODEA only cares whats on an accredited University transcript.

If your really tired of state teaching, you are in the right place. The burdens, challenges and work load of SEN/LS ITs in IE is far, far different and much less work.
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Re: Any updates on DODEA?

Post by wrldtrvlr123 »

Actually an Autism endorsement really wouldn't be that helpful. Vacancies typically have only certification numbers associated with them (as opposed to endorsements). And, I don't think Autism is often/ever listed as one of those certs they are looking for.

EI has been on the rise actually. And Pre-K SPED, as I mentioned.
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Re: Any updates on DODEA?

Post by kris10msmith »

I appreciate the help. I'm all about working hard to reach the kids, don't get me wrong. But state politics are killing it for everyone. We have so many amazing and capable teachers that are burned out. There are a lot of parallels with ED and autism. I'm certified in VA for ED but not sure I have the required coursework. Maybe I will take an additional online behavior class that could count towards ED and autism. The thing is - I get so much training after school but none of it counts for college credit, even though through I've probably accumulated enough for several college courses! I Figured most schools didn't have an autism specific teacher, but rather included them on an EI or LI roster. I've heard positive feedback from a few principals in desired locations when I contact them. All it takes is an opening and if I get an interview I'm confident I will bring my A game!
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Re: Any updates on DODEA?

Post by kris10msmith »

Autism isn't a vacancy, I think you are right. It wasn't listed as a "target" job. EI should be easy to get since I have state certification which means if they don't count my college coursework or think it matches, I would only need 6 of the 12 EI hours. So many of my college courses covered multiple disabilities in the same class, which may hurt me. I Know you said elementary certifications are a dime a dozen among local hires, but having that certification should help me stand out from those sped teachers that don't, correct? What about severe and multiple disabilities? I am certified for intellectual disability (mental retardation). Is that on the rise? I don't have preK but can look into. Not sure its something I want though..... Lots of toileting issues lol.
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Re: Any updates on DODEA?

Post by wrldtrvlr123 »

Re: toileting: So does Moderate to Severe (at times) unfortunately.

MR is generally not listed as a separate certification for many openings but it could happen.

I had to work hard to get them to accept some of my classes for MS by sending him them course descriptions and even syllabi (and highlighted all the times they mentioned moderate, severe, physical etc). If you have any classes like that, that might be stretched to fit, give it a try.

Yes, elementary + plus SPED does give you a bit more appeal as SPED positions have been dropping down to .5 positions and then back up to full time every few years at some locations.
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Re: Any updates on DODEA?

Post by kris10msmith »

I was assuming my MR or ID as we call it now would translate to severe/multiple. In any case, I will research a behavior class or EI class to take to make myself more marketable.

So I keep hiring is in June.... What happens if there are vacancies after the transfer round. Do they wait til June to interview or does the principal have the opportunity to interview sooner? Ideally I would like to be hired before June to give me time to put my house on the market or find a renter.
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Post by PsyGuy »


Autism isnt a DODEA certification field. Its very common in IE SEN/LS.
Elementary would be beneficial in only a very narrow scenario where one of our elementary campuses had a less than 1.0 FTE vacancy and they could use you to fill the rest of a 1.0 FTE position. That isnt an impossible vacancy but its would be uncommon to see one in EAS go CONUS. In reality you need about 6 DODEA certification areas to not be invisible and 9 for admins to take notice, its different to some degree for SPED, but a mild/moderate LI teacher is going to be waiting just as long as anyone else who isnt very marketable in DoDDS.

The best strategy at this point is to contact HR/HQ and ask to have your application reviewed and see what your qualified for, and what you have to do for the areas you arent, then you can consider your options getting the credits and courses you need. I wouldnt begin planing and registering for courses until you know what you need.

Admin are not allowed to hire CONUS during the transfer round. When it closes they can hire, but they dont. There is no principal in DoDDS thats in a rush to hire anyone no matter what the vacancy is. DODDS has no shortages in anything really. DDESS generally starts in late May, then PAC in June, then EUR. Principals are busy until the term ends and students and teachers depart. Some like to start before July 4th, some after, and some dont start until late. July 25th is usually around the date that a principal needs their section in if they want their new teacher to be their for their 1st report day. SPED is different though you can usually wait a little longer. Recruiting lasts all the way until Octoberish.

You may also like to look at EDIS, too organizations Magnum and Sterling medical have close to DoDDS positions in EC SPED.
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Re: Any updates on DODEA?

Post by kris10msmith »

Well I for sure have 6 that I know of After reading the requirements, so that's a start.

Please forgive me for not knowing a bunch of the acronyms you used.whats SN/LES. Or EC In reference to those companies? I've tried calling HR but never seem to get anyone who can answe questions about my certifications. Do you know the best way to reach them? I'm a proactive person- I believe in going after what I want because a great opportunity in Europe is not going to fall in my lap. I do have one principal that has been very positive and has encouraged me to keep communication open because they will not know until early spring if there is a position. Some don't respond and I don't take offense because I know how busy my current principal is. Thanks for the help!
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Re: Any updates on DODEA?

Post by wrldtrvlr123 »

Have you actually applied via the EAS system? Has HR come back and told you what they consider you qualified for? If not, get that taken care of then you can see what you might want/need to add or if there are classes you want to try and talk them into.

SEN: Special Educational Needs is primarily what they call SPED in the UK and British Int'l schools.

LS: Learning Support is what most international schools call SPED (sometimes resource room). In DoDDS it's Learning Strategies in most cases.

EC: Would be early childhood. Sterling and EDIS basically do assessments and provide intervention services to pre school age infants/children.

OMG, I speak PG.
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Re: Any updates on DODEA?

Post by kris10msmith »

Wait - what's OMG mean?!? Lol.

Yes those acronyms make sense now, just different than what we use in Virginia.(and believe me we use a ton).

Yes, I've applied but it still says pending. Can't seem to get anyone to help me when I call- they say "that's something I would have to ask about" and then I don't hear back.

Sterling is in Europe? I will look into that too.
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Post by PsyGuy »



""Totemo Kawaii""


SEN is also used in Euro schools and ISs, usually in conjunction with LS. In IB its called LD (Learning Diversity). You can also find differing terms for IEPs from ILP, PEP, AP, and UDL, and many other terms.

It takes anywhere from same day to a month to have your qualifications rated, this is the holidays, and there isnt any recruiting happening reall (a few vacancies) so no ones in a big rush.

Sterling Medical And Magnum Medical are too organizations under EDIS, yes they are in EUR and PAC.
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Re: Any updates on DODEA?

Post by kris10msmith »

Good to know, thanks. I recognize Sterling....: years ago Kodak merged with them briefly And my dad was working for Kodak and part of the process. If it's the same Sterling. I will do my research. Say I get an interview down the road.... Is there any shame in asking what acronyms mean to avoid sounding foolish? I would hate to answer a question incorrectly because I didn't know what they were asking. The acronyms are different here. And since Virginia isn't Common Core (our state standards are on par or even more rigorous) we aren't consistent with the rest of the country. Our RTI is called ESTAT.

Where do you work, and are you a school psychologist if you don't mind me asking?
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Post by PsyGuy »


Well they arent going to expect you to know DODEA terminology, though you can ask and research it. Most principals are not as well informed in regard to SPED as you would think, unless your being interviewed for an area or district position, in which case you may be interviewed by someone in the DSO (District Superintendents Office) who is involved in SPED.

DoDDS isnt very CC either, its more documentation than practice, thats heavy on binders and lite on implementation.


I dont mind you asking, as long as you dont mind me not answering (theres history). Im licensed as a school psychologist and diagnostician (not a school counselor), but Im not DODEA qualified in any of them.

I would also strongly advise looking at adding/considering "0415 Assessor - Special Education", you may be qualified or very close. You can make Assessor and SPED instructional services a 1.0 FTE and increase your marketability to area and district based appointments and not just complex appointments.
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Re: Any updates on DODEA?

Post by kris10msmith »

Thanks for the helpful advice. I don't mind you not answering at all. You're honest with your responses so I know you're knowledgable. I don't think I would be interviewed for a district position at this time. To be honest, I would love to go back and take the classes to become autism certified (means nothing for a classroom position at this time, I know) and become a district wide trainer down the road (anywhere, not necessarily dodea) and teach educators how to implement visual supports, sensory integration and other evidence based best practices to meet the needs of our children on the spectrum. Research shows communication deficits are a large reason why they struggle academically. Also, without proper instruction in communication and social skills, some of these kids go on to struggle as an adult with regards to maintaining employment - not because of academics or skills, but because they can't get alongn with others and get fired. A lot of sped teachers already know how to differentiate for children on the spectrum, but with your background in psych you certainly know there are so many undiagnosed children on the spectrum, particularly if they aren't strugfling academically. Gifted teachers especially could learn how to help those on the spectrum. But I digress... As far as the assessor position - my problem is my masters isn't in sped - it's in Education Policy Studies (sounded interesting when I was researching many years ago when I was in denial about finishing undergrad, UVa offered me in state tuition as an out of stater and a research grant, so why not?! ). My undergrad was elementary and special Ed. Still worth looking into though.
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Re: Any updates on DODEA?

Post by kris10msmith »

Also what's 1.0 FTE? Lol
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