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Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 2:41 am
by PsyGuy
@senator qualifies his claims well "probably" i agree with, there are however elite tier ISs in many parts of the world that the logistics of family size have a smaller impact and with their OSH package which would include everything from housing too full tuition exemptions to even paying your tax, you could not only save but be prosperous, however many ITs dont just walk into those positions and even if you were a strong candidate, a recruiter and leadership isnt penalized for saving an IS money especially in an elite tier IS thats at or near capacity.

I generally concur though that with your family size and a trailing spouse many parts of the world you wouldnt be able to afford much traveling or exploration outside your locaility, which as @senator stated if its a capital city in an interesting place, that may be enough and an exemplar of what the country is likely like.

In WE however you would essentially starve, few ISs give housing allowances and tuition waivers are taxed as income. Yes these ISs have generous compensation packages but also very high tax rates. You would find it difficult living in any of the major high desire locations in WE on a single salary with three dependents.

I would also agree that ISs usually oversell the position and the package. Their biggest fear is you wont get on the plane. Once there they can be much more cavalier with what they actually give you. IS contracts usually have some stipulation that makes the ISs performance subject to board or ownership approval and change. They can easily do away with anything from insurance too tuition exemptions to even lowering your salary (by changing step levels or requirements or redefining steps).

Re: Search vs. ISS and 3 Dependents

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 12:05 am
by Trojan
As always, I enjoy and learn from these discussions. Keep sharing.

My spouse also works, independent of location, so we are a two salary family just like we were (would be) in the States. So, as far as fending for our family financially, we believe we will be okay in most situations.

We have been abroad now for 5+ years and it has been a great experience. Nice school, great staff, ability to travel as much as we want. Save a bit too (though not as much as we would like).

Got hired at UNI years ago, with those dependents.

We want to teach overseas for the same reason, I am guessing, that most of us do: it's exhilerating.

Thanks again everyone.