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Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 2:42 am
by CaliPro
[quote="PsychBean"][quote="vitaminz"]Saudi Aramco is the only school I have heard of that pays that kind of coin. Good luck getting a job there.

If you are a good middle/high school math or science teacher then you can pull in huge tutoring money in Kuwait and Qatar. That is on top of the $35-55k tax free salary you will be paid in these places. I've seen math teachers pull in double to triple their salary in tutoring alone in these 2 countries.[/quote]

I just wanted to piggie back on this statement. I agree! I am in Kuwait and teachers make more than a months salary in tutoring. If they work 4 times in a week they can earn $700 a week in tutoring. A Psychologist can make $265 for counseling 1 hour per week! The big money is on the side.[/quote]

Ill have my high school math license by this summer and plan on going to ME to save some coin. so it looks like I should aim for Kuwait and Qatar. The money from tutoring is like music to my ears.

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 1:00 am
by tangchao
Some of the top tier Aussie schools pay their heads in the order of half a million.

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 10:51 am
by Bosley
I used to work in HK. You can make $100 000 USD with 10 years experience and no additional responsibilities at most of the top schools (HKIS, CDN). 5 years and no responsibilities is $85 000 USD.
This is when you include the gratuity and before taxes.

[quote="Bodisalpha"]Actually in HK department heads, 2 i/c, and any teachers with additional responsibility are on the same salary scale, with TLR points that count towards extra money. TLR 1 (top) to a TLR 4 (lowest). Even on the basic salary sclae, with 20% gratuity, rent reimbursement scheme or cash allowance you would still be on US100K (with at least 10 years experience).[/quote]

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 10:51 am
by Bosley
I used to work in HK. You can make $100 000 USD with 10 years experience and no additional responsibilities at most of the top schools (HKIS, CDN). 5 years and no responsibilities is $85 000 USD.
This is when you include the gratuity and before taxes.

[quote="Bodisalpha"]Actually in HK department heads, 2 i/c, and any teachers with additional responsibility are on the same salary scale, with TLR points that count towards extra money. TLR 1 (top) to a TLR 4 (lowest). Even on the basic salary sclae, with 20% gratuity, rent reimbursement scheme or cash allowance you would still be on US100K (with at least 10 years experience).[/quote]