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Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 7:45 pm
by Rob
I've been away from ISR for a long time now. I'd like to talk about Singapore.

I've called Singapore home for 25 years after teaching here for 20 of those years, and then going for short one year teaching assignments to the Middle East and very recently Vietnam.

I'm now semi-retired here in Singapore working part-time at an international school. A couple of comments.

First, the COE you are referring to is now up to about $S60,000, plus the cost of the car. I know this because of my own interest in finally wanting to buy a car. It's too much unless you are a teaching couple and have kids.

Second, what is horrible weather to one may not be to another. As long as you have an unobstructed view, you have a breeze coming through. I am renting a nice HDB flat (government housing) at about half the price I would be paying for a condo. The new HDB flats are almost condo looking. I just signed a 2 year lease. I'm looking out my window now overlooking Serangoon Road and "Lttle India" 29 floors below. One poster was correct that there are places in Singapore that truly do not give you the impression of being overseas. That's true. Little India is not that way, especially at Deepavali time.

I've been a PR (Permanent Resident) here for ages and had originally intended to retire here, but I must say that if you are idle, you get bored. There's not a whole lot to do. So at the age of 66, I still work pretty full days teaching the kids. I just got a retirement visa (10 years for Malaysia), so will treat both countries as home.

One final comment, since I have a lot of friends at SAS. It is an absolutely great place to work, which is why I was there for 19 years. But over the next few years there will certainly be some changes. One most recently caught some of my friends by surprise. It relates to 65 being the mandatory retirement age. Up until now, it was not enforced. From now on, it is.

Take care.
