Job Application- Am I doing it right?

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Job Application- Am I doing it right?

Post by hogyorgy »

Hello expats,
I have been applying for international positions since the beginning of October. Unfortunately have not had much success yet, although, as far as I know it is still pretty early to get a position at this time of year for 2012-2013.
I am registered with Search Associates and been invited for the Cambridge job fair which I am really excited about. At the same time I would not be too disappointed if I could get a position before the fair, to save some money.
Every day I receive the emails from SA about the new openings, and apply to those that are interests of mine. Probably I have done 10-15 applications so far. I email a letter of interest, attach cover letters, resumes, references to the email I send to schools, and complete the application forms on their websites.
In some cases I do not hear back from the school at all (happened in 2-3 cases), and mostly I receive a thank you email and a"we will contact you if you match the criteria and are a fit for the school". Is it the normal procedure by schools at this time of the year? My concern is that my applications end up in a folder and nobody will ever look at them.
Should one expect more concrete, and encouraging emails from schools and maybe even potential inerview opportunities after applying in early November? Maybe I am not competitive enough?
By the way I have 10 years experience teaching in Hungary, England and the USA (all of these in the public education system) . CUrrently I am in the States. I have MA in Ed. Leadership, BA in Elem. teaching, ESE, ESOL certified. I also hold an EU passport. I am interested in the Far East and Europe.
Thank you!
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Post by hallier »

I would not feel too bad. It is still early in the recruiting season, especially if u are targeting Europe. Others may have a better idea, but I believe that most schools in Europe do not require (and often are not allowed by law) to ask teachers to re-sign (or resign!) until February-March. That's why Cambridge might be a good fair for you.

Most Asian schools send out contracts in mid-late November. So I would now be constantly looking at the websites of schools in that region that interest you - if a job comes up, remind them of your interest and express a willingness to talk by Skype prior to the fair. I did that and got a job before a fair (in Asia).

Good luck:)
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Post by heyteach »

Yes, it's still early. I rarely heard any acknowledgement from schools I applied to via Search or by personal email. It does get very discouraging working that hard for seemingly nothing, but at least you're "out there." The Cambridge fair should be productive for you.
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Not to worry

Post by PsyGuy »

I'm surprised the middle east schools ahvent tried to sign you to a contract yet?

Europe has different regulations by country depending on if the school is a municipal school (public) or a private school. The reason has to do with labor regulations and unions. Seriously, its too early to get an offer from europe yet.
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Post by wherenext »

One advice, clearly state that they can contact you on Skype... I got two jobs that way! (present and next year's)
Schools love to hire before the fairs, it saves them time! and the only good/easy way to do it these days is Skype!

Good luck!
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