Transfer license through state reciprocity....or bite the bullet? Help T T

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Transfer license through state reciprocity....or bite the bullet? Help T T

Post by TeacherSsaem »

Hi all, hopefully someone can help with this. I am an internationally based secondary ELA teacher who just received the Hawaiian provisional license (the 5 year standard is no longer possible with experience in state) and am trying to transfer it to a full license through state reciprocity.

I am in the middle of doing so through Illinois but they also changed their rules recently. I was told I need to complete the praxis exam in my subject (5038) which I passed. I then informed Moreland U of my results so that they could complete the forms I need (80-02), but they then told me that Illinois no longer accepts provisional license holders from out of state.

Now that thus has fallen through, I am looking for advice on what options are open to me, or whether I should just bite the bullet and take the three remaining praxis exams required for DC licensure, as recommended by Moreland. I don't mind doing this except for the cost and the fact that hiring season is almost upon us here and I would realky like to have some form of licensure in place when I apply for positions.

Sone background:

British citizen,
Did both undergrad and masters degrees in English Literature in the UK,
CELTA holder
8 years teaching experience (ELA not ESL) in high schools in Korea, the last 3 of which were in an American international school.

UK QTS not an option for me as I can't move back and am not currently working in a school.

Honestly, I am feeling pretty stressed out by all of this - had I began the process back in April none of this would have been an issue. Any help (or kind words) would be very much appreciated...
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Post by PsyGuy »

You can absolutely qualify for the HI Standard (Professional grade) credential using outside of HI experience and non-US experience. They just didnt except your teaching experience.

Why so stressed, you have the HI provisional (Entry grade) credential in place. Title it on your resume and in applications as 'Hawaii State Teaching Certificate", that its provisional doesnt uncheck the box of being a credentialed professional edu.

So you completed Teach Now and went for the HI credential and received the provisional credential and you want to professionalize it as quickly as possible. I assume you are going to apply for the DC Standard (Professional grade) credential using option 1 and that Teach Now will recommend you for that? Assuming thats the intention, than taking the three missing PRAXIS exams is the best route. As I wrote above though you have time, three years under the HI Provisional credential.
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