Teaching license (Spanish) for non US non European citizen

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Re: Teaching license (Spanish) for non US non European citizen

Post by spanishteacher »

Again, I can see where you are coming from, but I respectfully disagree. And yes, I do have over 8 years of experience in international IB schools. I would not say all of them have been at great schools, but most of them have been at pretty decent schools. There are definitely better schools than the ones I have worked at, but there are many that are much worse.

In regards to whether a US license or QTS automatically "means" something; I disagree. Many licensed teachers are great, and there are many (MANY) horrible-but-fully-licensed teachers. I also do not fully agree with the fact that this is the reason why parents pay a lot of money. I think they pay a lot of money for having a "good school" (whatever that means in their minds), but I don't think they go out asking schools what percentage of their teachers have which kind of specific teaching license. I have seen schools that state the percentage that have graduate degrees, or things like 100% of our teachers are qualified, but then again "qualified" means different things in different countries. I of course do find that there is value to it, but the value I see on having QTS or a US teaching license (in my particular case) is the fact that I can then meet requirements for some schools or countries that I am currently not meeting; that is the only value this has for me.

I cannot talk for other foreigners asking about licenses here, but in my case, it is a tick-box exercise. I fully disagree with you that first-tier schools don't just want to tick the box; many do, simply because they want the best teacher they can get but they still need to tick the boxes from an immigration and work-visa stand point. I am not seeking a more "western" qualification to get into a better school; I'm seeking one so that I don't get disqualified in HR processes due to not meeting a specific country's visa-requirements. In some countries, schools with sufficient pull will be able to get me a work visa (they have done that before), but for some, this is not possible. So, for me, it is not about "moving tiers" as you mention, but simply opening up possibilities that may not exist now due to not being able to tick a box that for some countries is a must.

About your view on how the US should not be just a "universal pool of credentials for any English speaking person"; I see your point. I understand it and won't really challenge it. I think that maybe this happens due to how the "international school market" has evolved (with most international schools out there being either US-centric or UK-centric).

In any case, I always enjoy a good discussion, and again, although I disagree with some of your views, I can see where you are coming from.

Best of luck in your search for a school with better conditions than the ones you mention you currently are facing.
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Post by PsyGuy »

QTS, the WA residence, MA provisional, any of the NY credentials are all lifetime or effective lifetime credentials that dont require PD.

I never want to count those threads, I wrote most of them, the last thing I want to do is go back and see just how many times I essentially wrote the same thing. Its the posts where the member writes that they have read the many posts already on the topic but they think there situation is different, and the vast majority of the time there story isnt different.

Its not many ITs that complete their EPP/ITT programs after just one year, thats the minority, the majority of ITs take the academic/traditional pathway to becoming an EDU which is multiple years of study at the undergrad/first degree level of study.

IB experience isnt special experience and no amount of it in any way is a substitute for a credential, nor is it a substitute for a qualification of any type.

JP issues credentials to non-Japanese, its even possible to obtain a regular (as opposed to special) JP teaching credentials as an expat. Its just more possible in the technical aspects than it is probable in the practical aspects. The typical entry path for an expat is to teach for three years on the special credential and then apply for the regular credential. The issue is that those credentials are issued by prefectureal BOE's and they dont entertain applications from those who arent working for them and even then application to transition from the special to the regular needs to be sponsored by an ITs principal. What an expat cant do is become a member of leadership in a public/maintained JP DS where they would exercise public authority.

Its less an issue with the HI DOE and more about obtaining the the UT credential to begin with, as the LWs SS# is not likely to work, it might work, its possible it could work, but my coins against it.

The US does kind of hand out credentials like Halloween candy though. Any random human being can take a couple exams and obtain a credential.

Top tier ISs need to check that box just as the third tier or second tier ISs need to check that box, at least in terms of visas and immigration.
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