Schools that take teachers with no teaching cert

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Schools that take teachers with no teaching cert

Post by Noworries1 »

Hey guys

So to begin with I'd like to clarify that I'm totally aware that most IS require some form of teaching cert. I've been teaching in Beirut for 8 years but I never had time to get certified (not a great move, I know). I did apply for some cert programs in the fall, but I'd like the option of working while I get certified.

If any of you know of/have worked at schools who don't necessarily throw out CV's if you're not certified, I'd appreciate the names.
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Re: Schools that take teachers with no teaching cert

Post by Psychometrika »

There is no shortage of these schools in China many of which pay reasonably well too. Not the top tier ones of course but if you don’t mind working with a 100% Chinese student population this is an option. The pandemic is making everything uncertain and particularly when it comes to China, but it still would be a big step up from where Lebanon seems to be heading now.
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Re: Schools that take teachers with no teaching cert

Post by eion_padraig »

I think the bigger issue is whether or not a particular country requires a person to have a teaching credential to get a work visa. Some years back Singapore started requiring everyone to have a teaching credential to get a work permit, and some people who had been there a long time no longer had valid credentials.

While my school normally only hires people with teaching credentials, a teaching credential and/or a MA degree count as steps on our 3 column pay scale. So the base is a bachelor's degree. Column 2 is having a MA or a credential. Column 3 is having a MA and a teaching credential. If you have years of successful teaching under your belt, and the country doesn't require a credential I'd be surprised to see many schools pass up a candidate they wanted. I worked at a private middle & high school in the US for several years before heading overseas, and almost none of those teachers had credentials.

You may be better off seeing which countries require teacher credentials. I don't know that myself, but I suspect you could find that information somewhere. But I do think you're right that getting a credential would be useful.

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Re: Schools that take teachers with no teaching cert

Post by buffalofan »

You could probably find something in Thailand or Cambodia without much trouble. But the schools there that will hire without a cert tend to be low paying and poorly managed, with zero PD options. I don't think school names are allowed on this forum, but the reviews on the paid side of this site would be a place to start looking.
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Re: Schools that take teachers with no teaching cert

Post by Boomba »

I also so top tier schools with poor management or micro-management and the poorest PD options. In the end, there are no rules. Let's say it is generally true. Keep your eyes opened.
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Post by PsyGuy »

There are many lower third tier ISs, in and out of China, mostly in Asia and the ME, that will hire ITs without a credential. They are essentially independent/private DSs that cater to the local host population.

As to regional immigration/labor restrictions it really depends what your ISs classification is. Some would require you to have certain qualifications, credentials and experience to qualify for a certain visa/permit to work in a particular category of ISs. However, to work in ESOL for example most regional visa/permit requirements only mandate a bachelors/first degree and maybe some form of TESOL certificate.
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