Has anyone suspected that a boss or colleague lied about cre

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Post by PsyGuy »

A few issues with @Sids response. First, it may not be all that easy to get an email address for ownership, and if you do find one, and can do so without arousing suspicion, it may simply be a mail account that goes to the very leadership your attempting to report, as executive leadership is typically the contact point for the day to day operations of the IS.
Second, accreditation agencies dont care, ownership might not know this but leadership is likely too. Accreditation agencies just care about the curriculum and the binder, they actually have very low requirements for leadership roles. There are leadership with no qualifications, credentials, or experience who are directors of ISs. Its just not an accreditation issue.
Third, you could go to the media, but whats the story, youd have to have that smoking gun or it be a REALLY slow news day for them to take any interest. This isnt like some leader running a brothel out of the IS, its a leader who maybe doesnt have a degree they claimed to have, maybe. Otherwise they were a supply DT, so what?
Fourth, you get your complaint to ownership and demand they investigate and nothing happens because ownership is really just one very wealthy guy and the IS is their hobby and he likes the leadership guy and theyre friends and he doesnt really care.
Fifth, you get your complaint to ownership, and they investigate because they do care and youre wrong or the leader just doesnt sit there and they spin the accusations such that youre not right.
Regardless this only works out for you if the leader gets dismissed, anything less, and theyre still your supervisor and what do you think that leader is going to do in between spinning around in their swivel chair and watching cat videos, theyre going to be gunning for someone. You think they were a mean bully before, now they are going to be an enraged mean bully with a vendetta.

I concur with @Sid in the end though. You have a lot more work to do, youre comfortable with your source, but is your source authoritative and does your source lead to an authority the IS can followup with on their investigation. At some point someones got to contact the actual Uni thats listed on the leaders application and ask if they have X degree, and the Uni has to say no and you still dont know what the leader has on their actual application. All you have is what they have told you, you havent actually seen what application they have made to get the position. At most you have some someone hwo says he may have been under qualified at one time but that doesnt mean he isnt or that he lied to the IS, he may have lied to you. Even if he is under qualified, that doesnt mean that an IS as a private business entity still ant appoint them to whatever position they want.
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Re: Has anyone suspected that a boss or colleague lied about

Post by sid »

I think you missed that the OP has been given notice. His job is already gone. So no risk there. Maybe that nugget was just on TES.
As for media, in pretty much every country there is some level of tension about the international School. Privileged foreigners with jobs that pay more than locals earn, teaching privileged locals and privileged foreigners, exempt from or ignoring local educational traditions and expectations, paying less taxes than everyone else pays.... You’ll find the local media will be quite happy to take the school down a peg, particularly media on the other side of the political spectrum. Scandal is always good news.
Accreditation agencies will be intrigued and will inquire. There are specific standards requiring that everyone be properly qualified, specific standards about proper background checks on everyone for child protection, and specific standards about the head of school, referencing qualifications and ethics and professional behavior. In addition, accreditation processes are predicated upon the school’s candor and honesty in self-reporting. Some of those things are loosely defined, but clearly a head fabricating his CV violates pretty much all of them.
If the OP can’t get the contact details for the board, there is always the less elegant route of emailing the entire faculty, from an anonymous account of course. That will get attention.
The eventual result of reporting him is very hard to predict and depends greatly on what exactly the head claimed. From here, it’s hard to tell if he actually lied. More information is needed.
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Post by PsyGuy »

There is no mention from the LW about already being dismissed/non renewed.

Some level of tension, while I can identify regions where this is true i can also identify regions where its not. Yangon, sure, Tokyo, nope, Jakarta, maybe. I suppose it depends what you mean by "the" IS, are we talking "The" elite tier IS or one of dozens of lessor tier ISs, there isnt an indication in the LWs post. If its some third tier IS in a city like Bangkok, the media doesnt care. If its the elite tier IS in Dhaka, yeah maybe, if theres an actual scandal. Which there isnt, the IT reports that this leadership (its a principal, could be executive leadership could be senior leadership) is a mean bully , and lied about their resume claiming the leader has a degree they dont, the media has a slow news day and picks up some interest and calls the IS, the IS says its not true, and its just a disgruntled former employee. End of story. Whats the IT going to do, break into the ISs HR to get access to the leaders personnel file, then get a confirmation from the Uni on the application that no such degree was conferred. Thats what youd have to have, thats the smoking gun, otherwise its just a dismissed (and hopefully anonymous) IT making baseless accusations they cant substantiate. They did supply teaching, so what, there are directors whose sole qualification is they were family or married to ownership. They have no prior leadership experience, so what, every leader started with no experience in leadership at some point.

No they wont, and no they arent. The standards for leadership of BSOs (2016) is 'not being barred, good skills and knowledge appropriate to their role, fulfil their responsibilities effectively so that the BSO standards are met consistently, and actively promote the well-being of pupils'. Thats it, theres nothing in there about degrees, or qualifications, prior experience, or even needing to have QTS, or an NQL or having ever been rated and measured against the teaching standards.
The IB requires under PD that leadership participate and complete a level 1 workshop. The guidance requires that "The head of school/school principal and programme coordinator demonstrate pedagogical leadership aligned with the philosophy of the programme(s)", thats it, again no degree, credential or experience requirements.
Looking at WASC, the guidance for staff and leadership criterion is in section A4 of the accreditation manual. The requirements are "A4.1. The school has clear employment policies/practices related to qualification requirements of staff" and in A4.2 "Evaluate the procedures to ensure all staff members in all programs, including online instruction, based on staff background, training, and preparation are qualified for their
responsibilities within any type of instruction to ensure quality student learning". Thats it, theres no minimum education, credential, or experiential requirement, qualified is entirely defined by the IS.
Theres nothing specific of qualifications or standard requirements for leadership (or faculty at all in that matter). This isnt a child protection issue in regards to a CRB, this is whether a member of leadership is required, i mandated to have some specific educational, experiential, or credential requirement to assume the duties of leadership as described by an accreditor, and the answer to that is no.

Maybe (and its not there despite your claims of honesty, ethics, and professional behavior), but you dont know if this leadership fabricated their CV, all we have is a report from an IT who complains of a mean bully of a leader who was dismissed claiming that the leader said X, Y and Z to them and that some source they have identified stated they were not in prior leadership and only did supply, and that the Uni claimed doesnt offer X degree.

Re: Has anyone suspected that a boss or colleague lied about

Post by Illiane_Blues »

sid wrote:
> As for media, in pretty much every country there is some level of tension
> about the international School. Privileged foreigners with jobs that pay
> more than locals earn, teaching privileged locals and privileged
> foreigners, exempt from or ignoring local educational traditions and
> expectations, paying less taxes than everyone else pays.... You’ll find
> the local media will be quite happy to take the school down a peg,
> particularly media on the other side of the political spectrum. Scandal is
> always good news.

This is very true. Extremely true for developing countries, but even in developed countries it will still be a news story if you choose the news paper carefully (scandal-oriented).
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Re: Has anyone suspected that a boss or colleague lied about

Post by reisgio »

I don't think I've ever had a head of school who wasn't either a pathological liar or viciously abusive - or both.
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Re: Has anyone suspected that a boss or colleague lied about

Post by Heliotrope »

Most of my Heads were very normal people, some were a bit odd maybe but in a harmless way, and certainly not pathological liars or viciously abusive.
Experiences vary I guess.
Thames Pirate
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Re: Has anyone suspected that a boss or colleague lied about

Post by Thames Pirate »

I agree with Heliotrope. I have worked with amazing leaders, mediocre ones, and the odd poor one who causes harm. Leadership is made up of human beings with all their variety. I've also worked with amazing colleagues, mediocre ones, and the odd poor one who causes harm.
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Post by PsyGuy »

I concur with @reisgio the best leadership I ever worked for were monsters who just hid it better than most.
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Re: Has anyone suspected that a boss or colleague lied about

Post by Walter »

by reisgio » Tue Sep 17, 2019 6:32 pm

I don't think I've ever had a head of school who wasn't either a pathological liar or viciously abusive - or both.

by PsyGuy » Wed Sep 18, 2019 11:48 am

I concur with @reisgio the best leadership I ever worked for were monsters who just hid it better than most.

Hahaha The Dynamic Duo - Fatman and Throbbin. I don't think it would be hard to guess what your heads of schools think about you.
As a matter of fact, Dave, I know what two of your former heads - one from Europe and one from the Far East - think about you, because I've spoken to them.
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Post by PsyGuy »


You dont know anything, never have and never will. Not hard to imagine what your ITs think about you.

Re: Comment

Post by Illiane_Blues »

From what I have read by him on this forum Walter seems like a fair, honest, knowledgable and intelligent person with a good sense of humor. All good qualities in leadership. If he's the same in real life I imagine he's well-liked by his ITs.
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Post by PsyGuy »


Now I have to clean nose tea off my screen.

Re: Has anyone suspected that a boss or colleague lied about

Post by Illiane_Blues »

Your opinion about Walter is not everyone's opinion about him. I know you don't like it when he corrects you when you're wrong but others don't mind it.
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Re: Has anyone suspected that a boss or colleague lied about

Post by GrumblesMcGee »

Illiane_Blues wrote:
> Your opinion about Walter is not everyone's opinion about him. I know you
> don't like it when he corrects you when you're wrong but others don't mind
> it.

Preface: Most of my posts on this forum express some sort of disgreement with and/or mockery of @PsyGuy.

That said, I'll again put it out there that the comments of @Walter (and occasionally a few others) cross a scary line. Anyone who would resort to threatening to, and then claiming to (partially) "doxx" someone on a forum like this should really reevaluate their choices. And the suggestion that such a person is "IRL" a respected administrator is horrifying.

I don't care what @PsyGuy's real name is, if @Walter really knows it, etc. If it's the kind of thing ITs want to laugh about over drinks at an expat event or conference, so be it. But putting out here, or even just threatening to do so or suggesting that you possess the knowledge and willingness to do so, is disgraceful.

Stick to the arguments. If you want to pull up contradictions in someone's posted statements, fine. If you want to challenge them to back up assertions, fine. But no más.
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Re: Has anyone suspected that a boss or colleague lied about

Post by Heliotrope »

I agree that doxxing is absolutely not done.
I do however see where Walter is coming from: PsyGuy has repeatedly been misrepresenting himself, and often posts his opinions as facts. Also, he's a bit of a bully, albeit in a clumsy way.
Many of the forum's readership are not forum regulars who know this about him, and might base big life decisions on his contributions, that lack any foundation in credible and verifiable sources.
It's the main reason for a lot of my posts: I know that what he's saying in certain threads is obvious baloney or merely an opinion disguised as fact, and I fear that someone who is not aware of his reputation might take it for an actual fact, and will make an unwise decision based on it.
So I'm not condoning the threat of revealing his identity, nor would I have done the same, but I do understand why he thought that it might be the only way to get PsyGuy to admit that he was lying (which he obviously was).
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