DODEA Recruitment Job Fairs?

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DODEA Recruitment Job Fairs?

Post by dragonguy »

Does DODEA hold job fairs similar to Search/ISS? I know their recruiting season is a lot later than ours, but that's about it. I tinkered around on their website and application process but I didn't see information on that, other than, they do post jobs on USAJOBS, their government website. I looked around this forum as well but couldn't find specifics on a DODEA job fair calendar.
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Post by PsyGuy »

No, not any more, they used too a decade ago, you could go get interviewed and then your interview notes would be attached to your application for leaders too see. They havent had them for a long time now. DODEA doesnt need to recruit with fairs.

The advertisements on USAjobs are little more than advertising and a pointer to get applicants over too DODEA as you have to complete the EAS application. There are some vacancies they recruit for through USAjobs but IT/DT appointments mostly go through EAS.

DODEA recruiting starts in April for DDESS (DODEA Americas) and end of May for DODDS (PAC and EUR). Recruiting goes until about October, but most of it is wrapped up by August.
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Re: DODEA Recruitment Job Fairs?

Post by wrldtrvlr123 »

Actually, the last one was in 2012 (which I attended).
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Post by PsyGuy »


Did you get a sense or feeling that everyone knew it was going to be the last one?
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Re: DODEA Recruitment Job Fairs?

Post by wrldtrvlr123 »

Not really at the time but looking back, maybe. It was a strange experience. Similar to int’l fairs but much more subdued and regimented (kind of like working for the gov’t at times). Basically you showed up, waited your turn and were called into a big room of desks and table for a 30 minute interview a principal from somewhere in the world. And that was it. I have no idea if it helped my case but I did get to speak to an HR Supervisor while I was in the building about my HR rep and they did prompt her to fix my cert areas (and a couple of months later I was hired). So, I guess it was worth the flight from Asia, just for that hour os so total time in the building.
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