How to link IPC and PYP

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How to link IPC and PYP

Post by Spawnboy99 »

In the process of writing a cover letter and having trouble explaining how my knowledge and experience within IPC would enable me to have a seamless transition into teaching in the PYP framework. Also, need to relate it to how and why it is relevant to PYP

Anyone could share some ideas please, no sarcasm and please just to the question that was asked.

Thanks if you can help
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Re: How to link IPC and PYP

Post by teachertraveler »

Just seeing this now so don't know if it's still relevant or not for you, but I've worked in the PYP for 8 years. I've only seen IPC curriculum documents, not it in practice so I'm just going by the paper trail more than anything. I found that the PYP is not as thematic, but rather conceptual. So for example, a unit I've done was on communication and transportation technology and how it has changed over time. Our big focus conceptually was change over time (not the technology) so it wasn't "Let's learn cool things about mobile phones and cars" but how can we incorporate change over time and causation in how we teach nonfiction reading and writing, math, science/social studies and art. The assessments were twofold: conceptual outcomes, usually called lines of inquiry, are assessed for understanding as well as the subject-specific skill and knowledge outcomes.
The PYP just had the start of a big shift or "enhancements" as it's been called with a real focus on student agency: meaning their voice is heard, they have choice in their learning and they have ownership over what they are learning and producing. This has always been in the background but now that the PYP has been picked up by more state systems, the IB have made it more pronounced.

I'm sure you've probably had plenty of relevant connections with the IPC. Sometimes it's just knowing the lingo and going, "Ah yes, it's ____ in the IPC."

Good luck and feel free to ask any questions if you have any!
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Post by PsyGuy »

You can use them interchangeably, as IPC is just a a knockoff of PYP and IB. Whatever you would say using IPC is just going to require you to research the comparable terminology in PYP and IB.
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