Rent in the Hague

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Post by PsyGuy »

Sad, totally, €1900.

Re: Rent in the Hague

Post by Illiane_Blues »

Not €1900 by a long shot:
If you'd like to present data that shows the prices on this website aren't valid, feel free to do so. If not, you're wrong.
And expats are just as welcome to rent these as Dutch nationals are.
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Re: Rent in the Hague

Post by Heliotrope »

@Illiane_Blues, why are you even engaging anymore? You're usually the one who tells me not to respond to trolling.
He can't even produce any data to back up his number or to disprove mine, which are supported by valid data, so he's just wrong and he knows it, therefore just resorts to trolling.
Thames Pirate
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Re: Rent in the Hague

Post by Thames Pirate »

This is where he goes to his prepared responses and copies the one about only posting from data without actually providing said data.
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Re: Rent in the Hague

Post by Heliotrope »

Probably, he's nothing if not predictable, for those who've read enough topics on this forum.
I'm guilty of the same though, always responding to him.

Problem for him is that everyone can click on the links I posted and see that there are plenty of great 3BRs for rent in The Hague for around €1,250, so he might "have highly confident data" (horrible and incorrect use of the English language btw), my sources can actually be verified, and disprove his numbers.
But we'll wait and see, he might surprise us and turn over a new leaf, but more likely more unsubstantiated claims. An ego is sometimes a fragile thing.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Very fragile indeed, but €1900.
Thames Pirate
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Re: Rent in the Hague

Post by Thames Pirate »

So which is more ridiculous: His insistence on a number easily disproven by the provided information or the claim that he knows more about my finances and my husband than I do?

I know, I know--I am guilty of responding too often, too. But it can be fun to take him out and play with him from time to time.
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Re: Rent in the Hague

Post by Heliotrope »

Equally ridiculous I'd say.
This is what it must be like to argue with climate change deniers and anti-vaxxers. Data doesn't matter to them either.

It must be so easy to get full marks on PsyGuy's tests as one of his students. You just give a random answer, and when he marks it as wrong you just say: "I only answer from experience, research and trusted and reliable sources. I have highly confident data to support my position."
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Re: Rent in the Hague

Post by wrldtrvlr123 »

Heliotrope wrote:
> It must be so easy to get full marks on PsyGuy's tests as one of his students. You
> just give a random answer, and when he marks it as wrong you just say: "I only answer
> from experience, research and trusted and reliable sources. I have highly confident
> data to support my position."
Au contraire. That would imply that he allows everyone else to benefit from the very low standards of logic, empiricism, and rationality that he holds himself to, which clearly is not the case.

He can be amusing (and occasionally useful) but the whole 1900 on repeat is really just him phoning it in and doesn't merit a response unless you can use it some way:

Question: PG, of your 8,345 posts, how many did not include you over-reaching, over-generalizing, falsely claiming authority on something you googled, hair-splitting, moving goal posts to avoid admitting you were wrong or declaring that you only post from experience, research and trusted and reliable sources when that is clearly not the case?

PG: Sad, totally, 1900.
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Re: Rent in the Hague

Post by Heliotrope »

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Post by PsyGuy »

Abundance of ridiculousness and €1900/mth


None of them did I over reach, I reached just enough, and none of them did I over generalize, I generalized an appropriate amount. I never falsely claimed authority, I only post from experience, research, and reliable and trusted sources. I split hairs, but they needed splitting. I never moved a goal post, the data guides the conclusions, they just are. Ive been wrong before and admitted as such. I declare that I only post from experience, research and trusted and reliable sources because I only post from experience, research and trusted and reliable sources.
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Re: Reply

Post by Heliotrope »

PsyGuy wrote:
> @WT123
> None of them did I over reach, I reached just enough, and none of them did
> I over generalize, I generalized an appropriate amount. I never falsely
> claimed authority, I only post from experience, research, and reliable and
> trusted sources. I split hairs, but they needed splitting. I never moved a
> goal post, the data guides the conclusions, they just are.

Uhm, yes you did.
You did all those things.
You did all those things many, many times.

And if you would link to your 'trusted' sources, people might start to take you seriously.
Or at the very least tell how you've arrived at your conclusions other than saying that you "post from experience, research, and reliable and trusted sources", because no one will believe that without some more information, especially since you've claimed multiple times that lying to get what you want is totally ok.
You could start by backing up your €1,900 number, when the links I posted show lots of nice places available for €1,250 or even less.

Re: Rent in the Hague

Post by Illiane_Blues »

Agree with @WT123.

And @Heliotrope: PsyGuy will never post his sources, because he doesn't have any, other than his gut feeling, a misremembered hearsay, or vague recollection of an Economics class. And somehow his experiences are more valid than those of others. He could have easily won a number of arguments by just posting links to sources he claimed he had, but didn't. So he lost those arguments instead.
He will also not admit he's wrong this far into an argument despite the evidence that he's clearly wrong.
I know the type: someone who has an IQ that's just a few points above the US average (which is 98) but who vastly overestimates his/her intelligence and defines him/herself by it, but at the same time is very insecure about it and needs constant external validation. Admitting (s)he's wrong after being so vocal about being right is not an option for these types of people, and they would rather lie or troll than admitting their lack of knowledge. They will also never admit they're wrong when arguing with those whom they considers foes.
Or in other words: Trump.
Let's try to remember the forum is about helping others, not stroking your ego. Telling lies to win an argument here can hurt people searching for reliable information.

Re: Rent in the Hague

Post by Illiane_Blues »

I was chatting with my old HOD just now, and asked him about the two areas that you've mentioned.
Escamp encompasses a few neighbourhoods, of which he recommended Leyenburg, and Rustenburg Oostbroek.
The other area you mentioned, Loosduinen, he would also recommend (it's a neighbourhood in itself).

He says both Escamp and Loosduinen are not super exciting, but overall very safe and green. But a short commute might be worth being away from the action downtown.
He also recommended you pick a place decently close to a bus or tramline that will take you straight downtown, but that's common sense. Contrary to some cities, proximity to these bus or tram stops will not affect the price a lot. And get a bike he said, with two good locks per bike, and a good umbrella.
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Post by PsyGuy »


No, I didnt do any of those things.
Ive lost nothing thats why I only post from experience, research and reliable and trusted resources.
I know the type well and its €1900/mth
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