Best posts for single mom?

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Best posts for single mom?

Post by Jholloway05 »

Hello, all!

I’m a single mom of two kids, one in primary and one about to enter middle school. Currently in Cebu and considering moving on. I can afford a nice life style for myself and the kids, but day to day stuff is tiresome. Transportation is difficult, the city is crowded, air quality is bad, and being outside in all this is nearly unbearable.

I’m looking for recommendations for a place that’s a bit quieter and cleaner (and greener!) but where I can still provide my kids with a decent lifestyle. I want them to attend a great school and I’d like to work for admin that respects its teachers.

Suggestions? Being able to date would potentially be nice...
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Re: Best posts for single mom?

Post by seinfeld »

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Post by PsyGuy »

The WE or NE.

I love SG but if the outside (not including air quality) is unbearable in Cebu, its not going to be better in SG. Transportation is much better (SG has one of the best public metro systems in the world), but parts of the city (the CBD) can be just as crowded (though its much cleaner, if i had to choose a location to literally eat of the street it would be SG). SG is also one of the most expensive cities to live in, far more costly than Cebu and you would really need an elite/first tier IS to afford a a comfortable quality of life especially with 2 kids (and I assume a 3LDK) flat/apartment.

The advantage of the WE and NE is that even an average appointment will allow you a comfortable and western style of life including a quality education for your children (even if a DS). You are also more likely to find better leadership,a nd even the bad ones will have more controls in place such as labor unions and regulations that will palce checks and balances on what they can and cant do. If you want a top IE education and thats the priority you want to focus on Switzerland.
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