New year, new prospects

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New year, new prospects

Post by CountingCarbons »

Last year I began the process late. I didn't have all of my references in until November, went the fair, but didn't come out with any luck. I had a couple of follow up interviews with places that were low balling me, especially with student loans and just regular living expenses. But I'm starting back fresh and with a new attitude for this year. I'm getting another cert (Maybe upper level maths) and want to get the ball rolling early.

When should I begin to actively looking on SEARCH and sending out resumes? I really would prefer SA or Europe, so I need something stand out and want to be on their minds early. How early do you start sending out resumes? Do you find contacts in your respective classes to reach out to? I want this year to be my year!
Thames Pirate
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Re: New year, new prospects

Post by Thames Pirate »

I would say you should begin looking actively now (things open up all the time) and send out resumes as jobs open up. You should be checking the websites of your top schools regularly (once a week or so). You can send out cold resumes any time, but IME they are unlikely to get you far at most schools. Maybe someone else will have more insight on that part? You might be better off using part of your next European vacation (ideally in the summer, but fall works too) to visit as many schools as you can to pre-interview. Then when a job comes open, you can apply directly to the director. Or meet with HR during your visit and they might put you at the top of the pile when a job opens. It's less about time frame and more about both timing (being available at the right time) and getting to the top of the pile of resumes.

It's not unusual for schools in Europe to get 100 applications per job, only 15% of which pass the first cut (proper credentials, experience, etc.) before they narrow the stack down more closely to 4-6 interview candidates with the rest being backups. You need to make it into that top pile, and you do that by networking (both at conferences and fairs and through any place you can) and building your resume. Networking with the departing maths teacher is probably not as useful as networking with HR and admin, but you never know and it's better than nothing. You might be cut by HR but added back on by admin if they have pre-interviewed and know you want this job--or you might be spared being cut by HR if they know you. It's unlikely that a random teacher can get you to the long list--at best they can put in a good word for you if asked most of the time. Then again, they may carpool with the HR person and thus have an in that is completely coincidental, so networking never hurt! Don't neglect networking with families at your current school--they DO move around, and they might end up at your dream school before you do.

Mostly, though, build your resume, build your resume, network some more, then build your resume. That means certifications (to a point), curriculum experience, meaningful extras (Model UN, coaching volleyball, community projects, tech), and doing those things WELL--getting the recommendations from current admin, parents, etc. Leadership (CAS coordinator, department head) never hurt.

Good luck!
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Re: New year, new prospects

Post by mamava »

You should be starting pretty much when school starts, definitely by September. Lots of schools require teachers to give notice in November now, but even before official notices are given, schools often know who is leaving at the beginning of the year and will start to review potential candidates. Sometimes schools also offer early signing bonuses, so teachers can be encouraged to give notice even earlier. Having everything ready, paperwork-wise, and then working to identify the particular schools you are interested in--all take time!
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Re: New year, new prospects

Post by reisgio »

If South America is in your sights there is no question that you should aim to go to the relatively early AASSA fair in Atlanta right after Thanksgiving. More information:

South America can be a wonderful place to live and most of the best South American schools recruit at this fair.

Good luck!
Thames Pirate
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Re: New year, new prospects

Post by Thames Pirate »

The only downside to this is that it is limited to South America. But it's early enough in the season that you can easily still go to BKK, LON, or just do your own recruiting during peak if it doesn't work out. Other than that I have limited experience but have heard good things, both about South America and AASSA. Agreed: Good luck!
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Post by PsyGuy »

What is keeping you from starting now? What is the change in your attitude?

You werent "late" starting in November, thats when the bulk of ISs ask for have intent letters. I dont know what would have been better for you had you been ready a month earlier. One of the common reality checks during recruiting and especially at fairs is noob ITs realizing that everyone in the room thinks they are awesome and there is no shortage of ego on either side of the table. So unless youve done a major ego assessment, youre likely going to get the same tier of offers (a year doesn't add much, some, but not much). The additional maths credential is a plus, but what do you have to show with it? Do you have any experience or will you have any experience teaching upper secondary maths?

You can start now, when a vacancy is posted, that means the IS is accepting applications for that position so feel free to apply. You dont need to wait for a "start" signal. Start by organizing a bookmarks list of your preferred ISs and check them regularly (preferably late Mondays). I wouldnt bother with cold applications, ISs dont usually maintain active files, even the ones that have digital applications.

Europe and LCSA is a big difference. You will find more interest in the LCSA, but due to the economy you are going to see smaller coin as well. Top coin in the LCSA is well below the global IE average, you are looking at a couple of tier 1 ISs just to get around that average.

Elite tier ISs can get a 1000 applications for one vacancy and lower tier EU ISs can get many more times than a hundred. The typical short list is somewhere around 5 candidates that will get senior leadership interviews.

I tend to disagree with @reisgio, while AASSA is a decent fair for the LCSA region, its only that region and unless you are targeting a couple of 1st and elite tier ISs you are better off going to a bigger fair as most of those ISs know they dont have to coin to compete well, and will just as easily hire from those fairs or from virtual interviews. You would really need to have a very focused recruitment plan to make it work.
Thames Pirate
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Re: New year, new prospects

Post by Thames Pirate »

Okay, the world may be rotating backwards because I actually more or less agree with PG.
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