Hearing back from schools

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Hearing back from schools

Post by expatscot »

OK, I'm getting seriously frustrated now by the prehistoric approach so many schools seem to take to recruiting. When applications were by letter, I could understand not getting a reply. But it's so easy now to set up a simple automated reply that it just strikes me as unprofessional and lazy not to reply. I don't accept the argument that "oh, they get 100s of applications so it's too difficult" - major companies can get that for low level jobs and still at least send out a blanket rejection email so you know where you stand.

It's also immensely frustrating not knowing why I'm not being considered. Is it my teaching experience? Is it because the school
is and American system school and I'm a British teacher? Is it because, although I have taught university entrance exams in my home country, I haven't taught A level because at my school students aren't encouraged to teach Humanities?
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Post by PsyGuy »

ISs dont care, they know they have the power, and position, and ITs no matter how good they are, they are still just baby sitters. There is always someone else available.

This really is early, its closing on the holidays and leadership has other priorities than recruiting which for them is still half a year away.

Could be any number of reasons, consider:

1) Very little differentiates one IT from another.

2) ASs dont have a problem with British ITs, at school leaving level the competencies are very congruent. If you are successful in one of them you would be successful in any of them.

3) ISs dont really care much about excuses, if they want A* thats what they want, not Uni entrance exams, or really anything else.
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Re: Hearing back from schools

Post by coin_operated »

Sometimes schools don't want you for reasons that aren't necessarily related to the "quality" of teacher you are. For instance, if a school is looking for a new hire to teach a A-Level in particular, they may not shared this information with applicants (maybe they weren't sure what they were looking for when they posted the ad). This could easily result in you not making the cut but it doesn't have any bearing on the whether or not they think you're a good teacher.

If it's an IB American school, your nationality shouldn't matter as long as you're teaching an IB course. If the school does
Common Core, they may choose a teacher with Common Core experience over you.

But yeah, at least an automated response saying when you'll be notified of being shortlisted seems basic. It's really annoying to have to figure out whether or not you want to accept a position when you don't know when (or if!) you'll hear back from a school you really want...
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Post by PsyGuy »


Those ISs though dont care, they could treat you like dirt and they know you will still apply in the future and if you dont, they still have hundreds of applications of those that will.
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