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Re: Alcohol

Post by MartElla »

There's always been a big drinking culture at all schools I have either taught at, or had friends at. That adds up to quite a lot of schools, and all have had drinkers. However, there are always some teachers that eschew this part of the life as well.

As the majority of expat teachers are Brits, Americans, Aussies, Canadians, Kiwis etc., bring drinking tends to be far more the norm than perhaps it is in the latin culture societies of Southern Europe for example, although it's just a guess. You don't have to go far to find numerous drinking buddies in any of those Anglophone countries, so it's no surprise there are plenty of drinkers around.
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Re: Comment

Post by peachestotulips »

PsyGuy wrote:
> You can find ITs having a drink at lunch just about anywhere.

No I don't mean on a lunch break. I'm talking about fridges stocked with beer and wine, and crates of beer actually IN the teachers lounge. On the school's campus.
I've seen it at 4 schools in the Netherlands so far.
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Post by PsyGuy »


Thats what I meant as well, Ive been at ISs that served wine/beer in the faculty dining room, and having a beer at lunch in the IS was a regular occurrence. They were mostly host nation ISs.
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