No job!

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No job!

Post by bounty »

I am sure I am in the same situation as other people. I teach in primary, but still have no job despite handing in my notice after 2 years at an International School in the ME in order to find a better position. I have over 10 years experience in the UK in high achieving but challenging schools, 2 years international experience, outstanding Ofsteds, a history of extra curricular experience and leading trips and leadership experience, but have not been offered any jobs.

I have only been offered 3 interviews after numerous applications ; one involved paying a return flight to London, losing 2 days pay and disrupting my class. I look at the TES forum and search.

Is it just me or is this how International recruiting goes? You just go through recruitment cycles until you strike lucky with a decent job? I was told that there was more international jobs than teachers, but I'm not sure this is the case as there are very few jobs on TES and Search, even across the world.

Any advice would be appreciated. I didn't attend a fair and think this was a mistake.
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Re: No job!

Post by shadylane »

When did you sign up, and start to look? My colleagues who moved this year generally had things wrapped up by November. One, who got his job in the first week in January, commented on how late they had got their job compared to everyone else.

How fussy are you being your location and which school you would apply to? Do you have any dependents?

What kind of experience do you have overseas? UKNC? PYP? IPC? You do sound very UKNC with your talk of outstanding OFSTEDs etc. Depending on the school, that could play against you.

Have you managed to get any kind of feedback from any of your interviews? Have you had anyone look over your resume and covering letter? How well do you sell yourself? How did you qualify for QTS? B. Ed? PGCE? Or School Direct / GTP? Some schools don't like SD / GTP.

Have you signed up with TIEOnline and Schrole?

Good luck. There do seem to be plenty of jobs still out there this year - so don't get downhearted. Also try to post either on the TES or member forum here, so you can get some more personal advice through private messages.
Last edited by shadylane on Sun May 01, 2016 9:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: No job!

Post by shadowjack »


if you are confining yourself to the British schools, you are missing out on over 50% of the international schools in the world. Expand your horizon, join SEARCH (free if you are in the UK, I believe, or free fair), and start using them. Also look at TIEonline.

I suspect it isn't the lack of jobs, but how you have been conducting your search that is hurting your chances.

Just my two halalas,

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Re: No job!

Post by bounty »


I signed up for search in August last year, but my head took ages to complete the reference so I was only active last month even though I had 3 references.

I will go to most places in Asia really but would prefer a bigger city like Singapore, KL, Dubai, Shanghai, HK. I have no dependents. I have applied everywhere in these places. I need free accommodation as I need to pay for a mortgage back home.

I have UKNC experience only.

I have asked for feedback from some interviews but had no replies. I am better in face to face interviews but not great over skype as it is hard to read people's emotions.
My resume is strong I guess. Or so I thought. I am a bit modest and don't like to show off, but I guess I have outstanding qualities as a teacher to sell in an interview. I am just a solid teacher, who likes kids and gets on with other staff, works hard and generally goes the extra mile, not a superstar.

I have a PGCE.
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Re: No job!

Post by shadylane »

Your head took over 6 months to complete your reference? Sounds like that's where your main problem lies . . .
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Re: No job!

Post by bounty »

Yes I think it was but also applied to numerous jobs on the TES.
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Re: No job!

Post by scoobysue »

bounty wrote:
> Hi,
> I am sure I am in the same situation as other people.

Not much help but, yes I'm in the same situation. I'm secondary and not physics or maths, but one of the subjects for which there are lots of teachers and it seems like they're all applying for the same jobs. :(

I did wonder if a delayed reference could've affected your TES-advertised applications too. Depends on when hiring schools take references but if it's before shortlisting, it might be the case.
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Re: No job!

Post by Oxalis »

scoobysue, are you saying that it's not too late for a physics and maths teacher? Those are my fields. I haven't even started to apply or collect references for fall. I have a job domestically. My family situation changed and the older relative I was caring for just passed, so I am starting to look to see what's available. I don't know if it would be better to wait until 2017. I don't have IB/AP/GSCE experience. I've just taught at traditional public schools - high and middle, but not AP.

Good luck to you and to bounty.
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Re: No job!

Post by shadowjack »

Bounty, you are looking for Singapore, KL, Dubai, Shanghai, HK. The problem is that so is everybody else. And those jobs got locked up, many of them, before Christmas or by February. The other thing is that you never know what your head has said about you in your reference. Perhaps he/she is miffed you are leaving and damned you with faint praise? You might want to ask your associate if there is anything that might interfere with you landing a new job in any of your referrals, without asking specifically which one.

Worse case scenario, you had back home, do a year domestically, and do the London fair and head out again.



The schools that might be looking for math/physics are not top tier now, barring a change in enrollment or an emergency. Look, but research schools thoroughly. Sucks when your first appointment overseas is a bargepole.

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Re: No job!

Post by Oxalis »

Thanks, Shad. That's kind of what I suspected. I may take a look to see if something comes up, but I'm not so eager to rush into a disaster.
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Post by PsyGuy »


I have to think its mostly you and partially outside variables. I disagree with @SJ, the only real high desire location you have is HK. If your only looking at BSs there are far fewer than half of ISs. If your only looking at BSs or those running the NCUK curriculum your really restricting yourself.

Are you focusing on upper tier ISs? Thats what my reflexive concern would be, it would be very unusual to go from the ME to an upper tier IS.

The long span of time for your current reference could be a problem. Id ask your associate about it. Even on direct applications a recruiter can easily google your current HOS and send an email. Few will do that at the screening stage though. It could be your current IS has a reputation. I would suggest ghosting the current IS experience or making it non-identifying and see if that changes the response you get from applications. It could be your IS, not you.


Yes the ISs that are looking for Maths and Science vacancies are not top tier right now, but there are still solid ISs that are recruiting. Most top tier ISs are done early in the year around January, if not sooner.
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Re: No job!

Post by scoobysue »

> Worse case scenario, you had back home, do a year domestically, and do the
> London fair and head out again.
I was considering doing that, but thought it might worsen my chances. Yes, the London fair provides more opportunities in quality schools, but how to explain that random year? Most likely, I'd do supply (substitute teaching), tutoring, or work outside of teaching.
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Post by PsyGuy »


You can leave IE for up to a year without ill effect on your resume. After a year your resume begins to age. You dont really need to explain it, you can be on a beach, writing a book, doing research, going back to Uni, studying independently, caring for a relative, training goldfish, it doesnt really matter as long as you were doing something benign.
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Re: No job!

Post by Dredge »

There are hundreds of jobs on TES and Search, you'll land something. Something must be up with your CV or Search account. It may be best just to apply personally to the schools, though you have probably done that already.
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Re: No job!

Post by senator »

IE is a game that is played on a field tilted toward the schools and away from the teachers.
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