Starting out, age restrictions & Chiang Mai

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Starting out, age restrictions & Chiang Mai

Post by newbies2 »

My partner and I moved to Thailand immediately after we got our B.Ed.s and found teaching jobs in a private English school. We plan on staying here another year (2 years total) and then hope to move up to International schools.

Question 1:Is this completely unrealistic with only 2 years of experience? We are obviously not aiming at top tier schools but do we have a chance to break into the international school scene at a low tier school in order to gain IT experience? To make it harder we really don't want to leave SEA and have no interest in the middle east or China where it seems like we would have the most luck. Were both certified in elementary and my partner is also certified in high school English and Relious Studies. Thoughts on our chances? Suggestions where we should look?

Question 2: Are there any additional qualifications or courses we can complete online in the next year or 2 to help our marketability? We both want to bulk up our resumes but have no idea what to start with.

Question 3: Will our age hinder our search? We will both be 24 during the hiring season next year and turn 25 before the school year actually begins. I've heard some countries impose minimum ages for IT as well as schools.

Question 4: Staying in Thailand would be a dream come true and we are very interested in relocating to Chiang Mai which has multiple international schools. We just have no idea where any of them stand in terms of "tiers", can anyone shed any light? (Prem Tinsulanonda and American Pacific, Lanna International, CMIS, Nakornpayap, Varee International and Panyadan)

Thank you for reading all this and for sharing your thoughts!!
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Re: Starting out, age restrictions & Chiang Mai

Post by Chadekni »

Chiang Mai is the perfect place to break into international teaching. The wages up there are low, so you end up with newbies or pre-retirees. You don't see mid career international educators, as they can get much better money elsewhere.

I actually got my first job in Chiang Mai post qualification. I had 0 experience and was 23 years old.

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Ben @ ISR

What are your teaching areas? I know of some positions coming vacant at one of the above schools (my old school).
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Post by PsyGuy »

The standard bar to entry is 2 years post certification experience in an IS/DS. EL does not count however, you dont have two year experience you have zero. Primary is very saturated, and social studies/humanities isnt much better. Your resumes have a lot of white space in terms of marketability. You can use the PsyGuy Applicant Scoreing System below to ge a rough idea of your marketability.

There are ISs however that are bottom third tier ISs or in hardship locations that will appoint ITs with less experience, though these ISs typically result in poor experiences. Their are other SEA regions such as Vietnam and Myanmar that have difficulty recruiting ITs. BKK doesnt have difficulty recruiting ITs, and its a popular destination in SEA, though more remote areas in LOS have a more difficult time.

You really need experience, the rule is no amount of training equals any amount of experience. Even finding a local private/independent IS/DS in BKK that will give you an HRT role even if its kinder/reception would be better than staying in EL.
The options for online training essentially include certification (which you already have) a graduate degree or IB (PYP) or AP training.

Your age wont be a factor, while some recruiters have age preferences, many IT candidates in their mid 20s are appointed every year.

Chiang Mai as a location is third tier. If you want specifics regarding individual ISs you should post your inquiry in the Members Forum.

PsyGuy Applicant Scoring System:
1) 1 pt / 2 years Experience (Max 10 Years)
2) 1 pt - Advance Degree (Masters)
3) 1 pt - Cross Certified (Must be schedule-able)
4) 1 pt - Curriculum Experience (IB, AP, IGCSE)
5) 1pt - Logistical Hire (Single +.5 pt, Couple +1 pt)
6) .5 pt - Previous International School Experience (standard 2 year contract)
7) .5 pt - Leadership Experience/Role (+.25 HOD, +.5 Coordinator)
8) .5 pt - Extra Curricular (Must be schedule-able)
9) .25 pt - Special Populations (Must be qualified)
10) .25 pt - Special Skill Set (Must be documentable AND marketable)

1) INTERN ITs have a score around 0
2) ENTRY ITs have a score around 2
3) CAREER ITs have a score around 4
4) PROFESSIONAL ITs have a score around 6
5) MASTER ITs have a score around 8
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Re: Starting out, age restrictions & Chiang Mai

Post by newbies2 »

> What are your teaching areas? I know of some positions coming vacant at one
> of the above schools (my old school).

I'm a primary teacher, certified K - 10. My partner is upper elementary to high school (4-12), teaching English and Religious studies at the upper levels... not the most in demand areas unfortunately.

We've decided to re-sign at our current school which will bring us to May 2017 (since it follows the thai school year), therefore we aren't looking to start somewhere new this upcoming school year, but thank you!

Also thanks for the vote of confidence in terms of options in Chiang Mai. Lower income isn't an issue, "low" in CM is still double what were making now, and we have a pretty good lifestyle. We're not expecting to be saving tons of money right off the bat, we want a balance of gaining IT experience and continuing to live something this comfortable.
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Re: Starting out, age restrictions & Chiang Mai

Post by Afouch »

Chadekni, My husband and I are looking into Chiang Mai...Can you give us a little insight? I am k-8 with 6-8 science my husband is secondary social studies with strong background with AP classes as well as his masters in admin. We do have two children coming with us as well. We both have 7+ years of experience.

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