Window of Opportunity

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Window of Opportunity

Post by Lebenstraum »

Hi everyone,
I'm new to the international recruiting scene, but my husband and I are registered with Search. However, from what I've been reading on here it seems that most people are not getting jobs at a fair, but rather just through Skype interviews, etc. So far we've seen a ton of postings for schools in Asia, but not many for the rest of the world. Is this still early? When is the real window of opportunity for getting teaching jobs? Mid-November to mid-December? Over by the Cambridge fair (the one we registered for)?
I would love some advice about the timeline. We're excited to see which schools will have openings for us both.
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Re: Window of Opportunity

Post by sitka »

- Strong schools generally hire difficult to fill positions with strong candidates. More competitive positions (English/Primary) are often filled with the second-half of teaching couples where the other member teaches a more specialized position.
-JIS, for example, has usually filled 2/3rds of their positions by the end of November.

- Tier 2 schools begin recruiting all positions and the hiring fair season begins (with the main fairs being Bangkok and London).

- There is usually another push in this period by schools in Western Europe (who, due to labour laws, allow teachers to give notice much later than other schools), and by less-than-stellar schools or those in less-than-desirable locations that have had difficulties making hires.

After May, you are in a take-what-you-can get position.

Overly generalized, but that is the basic pattern I've seen.

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Re: Window of Opportunity

Post by Lebenstraum »

Thanks, sitka! Having the timeline is helpful.

I guess it will also depend on how many schools have needs in our areas (math and social studies) and how many other teaching couples/teachers in general there are looking for the same things.
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Re: Window of Opportunity

Post by shadowjack »


don't believe that you will just get a job on Skype. The best schools might Skype, but they go to the fair and want eyeball to eyeball contact too. As to timeline, jobs are being filled now. As Sitka said, if you are a good chemistry/physics teacher (the gold standard) or a good HL/SL math teacher, you will get an offer prior to fairs if all your references etc check out. But that's the exception. Many jobs will be filled starting December, some before the fairs, some during, and some after. You are going to Boston, which out of the 3 big fairs is the last one, and the one where relative newcomers go to find jobs. There will still be jobs in Boston, but with Search, their database is the big attraction. It is better set up for teachers to compare and browse and has more relevant information for teachers.

When I started the recruiting process 3 years ago, by this time I was regularly contacting schools and sending out my CV and cover letter tailored to each school. Overall, I was happy with Search and got a job at the Bangkok fair with a job offer before. But I have had friends go to two job fairs (Bangkok and London), get no offers at either, but via London interviews, land a job later.

So start looking now. Understand, though, when you go to a fair, there are many people getting jobs. At our Bangkok fair 3 years ago, out of all my friends there (some 12 of us), 90% left the fair with a job. Then again, there were candidates in tears melting down in the candidate lounge on the last day because they hadn't even secured one interview. If you want to understand the tension of the fair, check out my posting here ... fair+diary It will give you an idea about what the Bangkok fair (or other fairs) are like. Bangkok, I think, is the most intense because it is the largest and considered for the 'high flyers' (although they invited me).
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Re: Window of Opportunity

Post by twoteachers »

If you're new to this game, don't get worried if you haven't gotten a job or Skype interview by the time Cambridge rolls around. My husband and I started in October and got absolutely no nibbles, and were freaking out by January that this wasn't going to happen. We showed up in Boston with about ten interview requests in my mailbox. Hang tight. Newbies have to wait their turn. We were both elementary teachers with a ton of US experience, but none overseas. We got hired at Cambridge through Search and are loving life overseas. A smart school will snap you up if you have what it takes to teach. Hang tough!!
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Re: Window of Opportunity

Post by shadowjack »

Good advice Twoteachers. There are still schools hiring in Cambridge and jobs are being filled. My friends got their jobs at the Cambridge fair a couple of years ago at a top Asian school and are very happy.
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Re: Window of Opportunity

Post by senator »

Fairs will continue as long as school heads and admin have anything to say about it.

They get to travel on their school's dime, do minimal work, stay in nice hotels, and, for some, get to "play" in Bangkok once a year far from the eyes of husbands and wives.
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Re: Window of Opportunity

Post by Lebenstraum »

Thanks everyone for the replies! I really appreciate the feedback. I forget that even after more than 10 years teaching I'm still a newbie in the international teaching world. We are really looking forward to the Cambridge fair and I'm glad to know many teachers are still getting hired there. Thanks again, this forum has been so helpful!
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Post by PsyGuy »

Many ISs ask for intent letters due in October/November. These are notices of intent to vacate a position.

Elite tier ISs start recruiting in November, because they dont really recruit through agencies and fairs. They get to many applications, usually what happens is someone knows someone and/or a HOS puts out feelers and they identify an IT, they then interview and Skype and maybe will request a "first night interview" (which is supposed to be for leadership positions, but its just saving face for the agencies as the updated list of vacancies on the morning of sign up always has newly filled/closed teaching vacancies. Elite tier ISs can go a year or more without doing any meaningful recruiting.

1st tier ISs start recruiting in January which starts with the BKK fair (a super fair) and also marks the start of peak recruiting.

2nd tier ISs peak with the LON and BOS fairs, these ISs are usually done by early February, which marks the end of peak recruiting.

3rd tier ISs start whenever they can, they tend to avoid the early fairs, and most of the "Spring" fairs are third tier ISs.

In Spring usually around May their is an increase in WE recruiting, many of the independent/private DSs begin recruiting and due to labor regulations in the WE ITs can withdraw their intent letters or they are only binding or accepted within a certain time period before the end of the contract (typically 30-90 days).

Skype (Virtual) interviews happen all the time, recruiters will do virtual interviews while at a fair. Its a very common means of getting an offer and contract, but it does have disadvantages, mainly that the IS gets to take their time, and use what ever process/procedures they want.

Fairs are feast or famine, and more ISs are feeling less pressured and waiting until after peak hiring season to make offers. Candidates do get offers at fairs, and some ITs get their choice of multiple offers. Some Master ITs do first night recruiting the recruiter takes them out to dinner, and they spend the rest of the weekend relaxing in Bangkok. There are also a lot of ITs that leave with no offers, some dont even get an interview. About 80% of candidates are successful as a result of fair attendance, but only about 40%-50% (depends on the fair) get offers at the fair. The other half get offers later in the recruiting season, it still leaves 1 in 5 that are not successful.

I agree with @senator, fairs will exist as long as recruiters and admins want them, and some of their reasons have nothing to do with education or recruiting. Male recruiters like to engage in various evening "social activities", female recruiters may just want to use the trip as an excuse to go shopping.
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Re: Window of Opportunity

Post by Nomads »

PsyGuy and Senator,

As an administrator who attends five to seven fairs a year, including Bangkok, I am personally insulted by your statements about why administrators want the fairs to continue.

As an administrator, I leave my family for weeks at a time because I want to meet the teachers I am hiring face to face as I believe I can better evaluate candidates in person rather than by Skype. My family and I make the sacrifice because it is the most important thing I do for my school.

I encourage any new forum readers to carefully evaluate the merit of any comments from these two.
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Post by PsyGuy »


Reread my post "SOME of their reasons", I did not claim all recruiters. Regardless of your perceived offense, it does not change the validity of the claims that:

1) Fairs will continue as long as recruiters want them, regardless of rational.
2) Their exist a group of recruiters that attend fairs for personal rather than professional interests.

Your beliefs are incongruent with the body of organizational research that has for years been unable to support the validity of the "interview" as a valid and reliable assessment of employee performance.
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Re: Window of Opportunity

Post by Nomads »

Pay guy,

I would be interested in seeing your research. Please post the links or sources.

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Re: Window of Opportunity

Post by Walter »

Hi Nomads,
I don’t think he’s receiving any pay at the moment, so it’s perhaps best to stick to psyguy.
I’m with you regarding recruiting. Some people may enjoy airports, flights and hotels, but I hate them. I’d much rather be home with my kids than out interviewing.
I do the trips because I believe that being in the same room as someone when I am talking gives me a much more accurate “gut feel” about the person than if I were to talk to them on skype. I’ve learned to trust my instincts regarding that “Blink” moment about whether a particular candidate is one I would want in front of students. Parents and the Board trust me to do the best I can in terms of the hires I make for the school. God forbid I end up signing on some child molester and then have to turn round to the community and say, “Well he seemed all right on skype.”
I also think it’s good for the candidates to meet face to face with the school head, so that they too can have that “Blink” moment and judge whether this would be the kind of person they would like to work with.
I know that some people are happy to date online, but for me, before I commit to a lengthy (I hope) relationship, I like to meet the real person. Most sensible people understand that, so I think you should ignore the noise from Senator and nopayguy and carry on regardless.
@psyguy - tell us how you scored your last job? Face to face or skype/telephone?
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Re: Window of Opportunity

Post by MedellinHeel »

Nomads wrote:
> PsyGuy and Senator,
> As an administrator who attends five to seven fairs a year, including
> Bangkok, I am personally insulted by your statements about why
> administrators want the fairs to continue.
> As an administrator, I leave my family for weeks at a time because I want
> to meet the teachers I am hiring face to face as I believe I can better
> evaluate candidates in person rather than by Skype. My family and I make
> the sacrifice because it is the most important thing I do for my school.
> I encourage any new forum readers to carefully evaluate the merit of any
> comments from these two.

One can be fairly certain there are recruiters out there that use these fairs for mini vacations and various activities if you know what I mean. Alternative motives per say.
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Re: Window of Opportunity

Post by Overhere »

Personally I would view recruiting trips as trips from hell, the jetlag alone would kill me. Perhaps that's why I am happier in the classroom.
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